Health Over 70

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I’ve spent 30 years reading and studying to prevent what others might say “runs in my family” – obesity, diabetes, dementia, and Alzheimers. Yes – my family history doesn’t give me too much hope if I believe that genes determine your future.

I want to emphasize that the new science – research and studies compiled over the past 20 years – is saying something different from what we learned and practiced to get to where we are. And research is proving that nothing – none of our ailments – are permanent or natural or incurable.

Scientific Evidence Shows That You Can…

  • Reverse Diabetes
  • Cure Obesity
  • Reverse Dementia
  • Reverse Alzheimers

There are Some Fundamental Changes in Your Nutrition That Must be Made Once You Realize that Food is Medicine…

  • Eating fat does not make you fat
  • Low fat diets high in carbohydrates are not only making you fat but are killing you
  • Bread has a higher glycemic index than sugar
  • Undiagnosed food allergies cause inflammation which leads to all of the “diseases” you may be experiencing
  • Too much exercise can make you hungry and sabotage your plans
  • Being “skinny” is not the defining characteristic for being healthy

We Have to Wake Up and Smell the Roses…

  • Food and agricultural companies fund most of the research available on food
  • Pharmaceutical companies fund most of the research on drugs
  • Drug companies make more money when you’re sick
  • Medical school teaches doctors to diagnose and prescribe drugs
  • New research and even most clinical case studies take 30+ years to find their way to mainstream health practices

Reading This Blog…

  • I’m going to be writing book reviews and articles I believe are of interest to audience of men over 50 who are looking ahead for prevention as well are reversing symptoms
  • Some of my posts will involve information about our food supply – I believe we should be monitoring develops of that type
  • Some of my posts will involve information about supplements and research related to various products
  • I welcome your feedback to help me focus my interests and what I share

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