There are fundamental choices we make, usually without realizing we’re making them. These choices greatly affect our longer term susceptibility and options downstream as well as our longevity in a healthy body. Pharmaceuticals can help you with longevity in an unhealthy body but mostly we would prefer longevity in a healthy body.

For instance, we can choose to wait until we get an illness and then act – use medications to reduce the symptoms like nasal spray, cold pills, etc.

We can seek to prepare for illness like taking a flu shot thinking that this will prepare us in advance to fight off the flu virus.

Many of these choices allow us to avoid learning in more depth how our body works and how prepared we are to naturally avoid illness.

One choice we make without knowing it is the choice to believe that the body must get ill in the first place. We accept the word and believe the advertising of companies who are interested in selling us medications, shots, and other products on a continuous “womb to tomb” basis. These companies pay for writers who write articles that support certain views that drug manufacturing companies use to support sales of products. They pay doctors to say things like “doctor recommended.” Don’t you think its odd that there are doctors who recommend almost anything?

It’s easy to believe that illness is a natural part of being human because we’re surrounded by choices that damage and depress our immune system. For instance, every time we eat factory-farmed beef in a hamburger we ingest a little bit of antibiotic that was used to prevent the animal from getting an illness because of the conditions at the factory farm including what they feed the animal. These antibiotics are a part of what has lead to our antibiotic crisis where most people do not respond to any antibiotic which they really need it. Meanwhile antibiotics in general always kill off good gut bacteria leading to digestive issues and depressed immune systems.

And every time we take a medication like a flu shot or antibiotic, the resultant killing off of our gut bacteria damages our immune system which is located in our gut and activated by our good gut bacteria.

Eating dairy products from cows used in factory farming also damages our immune system. And eating grains grown in fields using Roundup or Glyphosate, the strongest antibiotic in the world, can reduce our immune system to nothing which is why many people develop symptoms telling them that their gut and immune system are malfunctioning – skin problems, joint problems, headaches, weight problems, food craving problems, brain fog, and more.

Doesn’t it seem odd that all the “science” that has produced newer farming methods (GMOs, etc.) and newer methods for raising farm animals (factory farming) have not produced any impact studies or scientific information about the effects of these methods on humans?

Over half the antibiotics sold in the US every year are sold to dairies and ranches for us on food animals.

In addition, most crops in the US for corn, soy, wheat, and other grains are used for factory farms – that’s correct if you surmised that we spray these crops once or even twice with glyphosate and then feed them to our food animals and then they end up back on our plate or in our glass as the world’s most powerful antibiotic.

And all that might not make sense unless you knew that the same companies who do that are the ones who are also selling us drugs to combat the many symptoms and diseases caused by our food.


I would like my immune system to be ready. I want to be able to repel everything that comes my way. The immune system relies on a healthy gut bacterial environment. I can build that up by doing certain things and avoiding others.

  • Avoid factory-farmed beef, chicken, pork, and fish – if you must eat meat, eat 4oz per day or less and eat only pasture-raised, 100% grass-fed beef, pasture raised chicken and pork as well, and fish that is caught in very small sizes (12″ or less) that are wild-caught. Even the best caught fish are dangerous because we have toxins from factory farming running into our waters along with Glyphosate that is water-soluble and gos everywhere – just look at an aerial map of the Gulf of Mexico’s algae bloom where the Mississippi dumps into that water. The runoff of the Mississippi river kills everything – fish, plant life, and more. Only certain kinds of algae thrive in that “toxic soup.”
  • Avoid fruits or vegetables not grown organically – and you don’t have to see a USDA organic sticker – if you visit a ranch or farm you can speak to the farmers and figure out if they spray chemicals or use synthetic fertilizers – you can generally find these more easily if you have a farmer’s market near you. Many farmers will “make a deal” with you and for a certain reasonable amount per month they will give you 1-2 boxes of food per month.
  • Avoid heavy metals and chlorine. Drink filtered water. Not everyone can afford to install a whole-house filter and that’s a given, but many can afford a small filter that sits on your sink and filters a pitcher at a time solely for drinking water. Most public water unfortunately has chlorine and many other toxic chemicals that you just want to eliminate from your diet. Depending on the location you may also get a dose of heavy metals which will build up over time and cause neurological issues. And taking a closer look at cleaning products, cosmetics, deodorants, and makeup. These all have ingredients that are known to be highly toxic and manufacturers just rely on your ignorance to keep selling their product.
  • Avoid vaccinations. Vaccines don’t have to do the same 10 years of safety testing as other pharmaceuticals. Perhaps there’s an underlying belief that vaccines need to get into the market fast, to save lives. That’s certainly the prevailing story – support by scientific facts or not, you decide. But rather than “tickling” your immune system and taking a risk that heavy metals and other toxins will be shoved into your blood stream, building a stronger immune system is a much better way to prepare for the flu. Besides, modern vaccines for the flu have a less than 10% success rate at hitting the right virus. Think of it this way – Prevnar 14 has to try to guess among a hundred flu strains and picks 14. What are the chances these will hit the right strains? 14 out of 100+ – not very good odds, and statistically this proves out. As well, some people becomes carriers for the live virus in the vaccine and then just infect others without anyone even suspecting it. A good argument for why people who have been vaccinated for flu should be the ones wearing the surgical masks for 2 weeks after vaccination.
  • Avoid Foods You Obviously Shouldn’t Eat – look, there are things that you probably already know are bad for you. You just underestimate how bad. For instance, vegetable oils used for cooking like corn oil, canola oil, safflower oil, and more are all high in Omega 6 and extremely damaging to the body not just from their Glyphosate content, but even worse from your body’s reaction to them. Unless you cooked it yourself in high quality (not fake) olive oil, or coconut oil, or avocado oil, you just need to avoid things cooked in oil. And packaged foods are just your worst choice because no matter what they say on the label, manufacturers are going to include things they know are bad for you but they need them as fillers, preservatives, or to make it taste better. There are hundreds of these ingredients – too many to list – and so best advice is to look carefully, educate yourself, or better still cook what you eat raw and fresh because packaged foods cannot be trusted. It is not uncommon for people to have inflammation generated by one or more common ingredients in packaged foods. Best way for you to find out is to eliminate packaged foods for a month and then if you get results, backtrack and add certain items one at a time until you discover an item that increases your inflammation.


Learn to recognize when something you’re eating and getting from your environment is affecting you.

The skin – the largest organ in the body and most of us think that it “misbehaves” all by itself without provocation. And that’s almost never true. The skin is just our signaling system for when we are reacting to something that we are mildly and severely allergic to.

Inflammation is a normal bodily immune system reaction that occurs when we cut ourselves or injure ourselves. An arm or leg get bruised, inflammation is the response as the immune system produces more elements to help the body fight off the infection or condition causing pain or discomfort. This reaction is normally fairly short and certainly doesn’t occur over long periods of time unless something is wrong.

If inflammation does continue, it is usually because the body is reacting to continuing doses of something it recognizes as not friendly and sometimes that’s in our food.

Some of the symptoms we can use to recognize inflammation besides skin issues are joint pain including finger, toes, or knees and elbows. Stiff muscles in back or limbs can also be a sign. Sometimes when back muscles tighten up and we move around it causes bones to be moved out of places which results in more pain and almost seems to point to bones as being the root causes of the pains when really the initial cause was inflammation caused by a food allergy.

Headaches often go along with other symptoms.

As the immune system is mainly based in the gut, you could easily expect that gut issues including pain, diarrhea, constipation, heart burn, indigestion, gas and bloating, and more were first and foremost indicators of inflammation.

Examples of food allergies where we are mildly but not seriously allergic (in most cases this is the real cause) are wheat and other grains – many people have a mild to allergic reaction to these – as well as dairy products – most people also have mild to more severe reactions – and off course anything refined which is especially true of sugar from any source.

Almost everyone on the planet has some level of inflammatory reaction to sugar and we have just learned to “live with it” but make no mistake, the human body which was designed a very long time ago and has changed very little, was not designed to ingest sugar and carbohydrates. Making the major part of our diet about these invites constant and ongoing inflammation.

None of these symptoms are normal and none are necessary. And none go without long term consequences whether you’re currently young or old.


The upshot of inflammation is a general category called “Chronic Disease” – this encompasses everything that isn’t the result of a traumatic accident or a virus. Although the early symptoms of chronic inflammation were described above, the later symptoms are diabetes, heart disease, dementia, Alzheimers, Multiple Sclerosis,  cancer, fiber myalgia, obesity, and about 200+ more.

Not all chronic disease comes from food of course. But more generally we could say that most come from “environmental factors” – that is, things we eat, are exposed to, use on our hands or body, or breath in – so “environmental” is everything.

What is it like to speak to someone who has and is committed to chronic disease?

“We’ve done some testing and we believe that dairy products are the source of your inflammation and obesity – we notice your skin is always red and somewhat swollen.”

“Does that include ice cream?”

“Well  yes, anything that comes from a cow or a dairy – anything made with milk.”

“OK well I just don’t know if I can do that. I eat a lot everyday and in the past with other diets I’ve cut out 2-3 meals and still not lost weight. So I don’t see how not eating ice cream is going to help.”

“Take a look at this case study of a woman about your same age who had an allergy to dairy products. She quit eating any dairy for 3 weeks and lost 40lbs with no other dietary changes.”

“I’ve seen a lot of studies like that before. It seems like they always worked for that person but not for me.”

People who are obese have beliefs that were created by doctors and other experts who re-enforced that obesity requires that you eat less and exercise more. An entire diet industry is built around this idea and many of the “challenges” require exercise and dieting in outrageous proportions.

So regardless of the symptoms, we find that there is a mental element to the issue of chronic disease – many times the person has had the condition for so long that they have decided the cause and what won’t work already and they are committed to that belief.

To say to a patient, “just stop eating dairy products” is just a bigger gap than it appears. Many people belief in their condition and its permanence. It can’t be as easy as stopping eating dairy, or wheat, or something else. It just can’t be that easy. Someone would have told me that before now. And besides, I love ice cream.

So the mental state required is a commitment that, “I will do whatever it takes to find the cause of this problem.” It’s a mental state that agrees to look anew at possible scientific explanations with more dignity. Our bodies only fo things because we are out of balance and we can find that balance by finding the source of inflammation. Sometimes those conditions are more permanent but often they are not. Looking for the cause of inflammation is often fruitful because it opens a new avenue for investigation.

And often the body gives us feedback almost immediately – a reduction in skin conditions, a lessening of indigestion, a reduction in joint pain – sometimes just small subtle changes can tell us we’re on the right road.


The symptoms of inflammation are not random – they follow a pattern because the body generates inflammation for a reason. Look for that pattern and the root causes and you’re on the right track.




If you’re approaching or just passing 40, this is the ideal time to read this article carefully.

What’s changed? Everything. When your mother and father referred to someone they knew who was “strong as a horse” they were generally referring to someone who never got sick, or if they did, they recovered very quickly. And injuries rarely slowed these “strong as a horse” people down. Their bodily constitution was good – a strong immune system that would fight off anything, including cancer, and could repair injuries fast.

But now we see very few “strong as a horse” people.

So what changed?

Food production – our farms have been forced into “mono crops” – a single product like corn, soybeans, wheat, and grown all year long. And GMOs have been introduced using patented seeds with anti-weed and anti-insect technology embedded into the seed. The GMO seeds are also Roundup or Glyphosate resistant so you can spray them continually and in theory not damage the plant. As we use these new seeds and sprays, we damage the soil and reduce its ability to bring nutrients to the plants. Every year the soil loses its natural bacteria that bring nutrients to the plant and the soil gets harder witness the amount of tillage (plowing up the soil) required. When the natural bugs and bacteria are in the healthy soil, you don’t “till” because that would kill the soil, but when you have killed off all the healthy bacteria, you have no choice but to till and farmers say that after 10 years it requires a new tractor that is 3X as heavy in order to be able to cut the soil deep enough to turn it over. And altogether, this new process produces less bushels per acre than the old methods because the soil is ruined and the crops are not rotated so insects are a much bigger problem than ever in the past. Science created by people who either don’t understand or don’t care about the future, has ruined our best farming lands and now because these companies must make a profit, they simply want to add more and more chemicals to fix the problem. Do you see how doing the same thing that caused the problem will only make it even worse?

You have to ask – why are the farms empty of birds, empty of bees, empty of all the normal insects and animals that used to inhabit these fields? Why do the cows and other animals get sick from eating these crops?

Has our food production changed?

Animal Products – production of ranch animals including cows, pigs, lamb, chickens, and bison has moved mainly from open grazing land to CAFOs (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations) or just Factory Farms. These farms pack animals close together feeding them from troughs while they stand knee deep in their own feces. Animals are fed not with the grass plants they were naturally and genetically grown to digest but with GMO corn, soy, and products that cause poor digestion and disease. Then animals are automatically dosed with antibiotics to counteract the diseases caused by the feed and their filthy environment as well as the knowledge that animals will gain weight more quickly with antibiotics – CAFOs are the biggest users of antibiotics in the world. Do you believe those antibiotics dissipate when it gets to your table? Do you thinking cooking kills it?

Given these changes in production methods, we have meat that is contaminated with GMOs, Glyphosate and other chemicals which are potentially worse, diseased and dying, and has a fraction of the nutrients given the depletion of the food supply, the lack of digestion of food products these animals shouldn’t eat. Our animal products used to contribute massive amount of Omega 3 to our diet. Now they contribute almost none at all.

Has our meat production changed?

Dairy Products – just as CAFOs have changed our meat production, so have they also been employed in our dairy production. Separate from the obvious contamination of all our dairy products, we also have the question of whether cows were made to give milk for anything other than baby cows? Many scientists would argue the answer is “no” based on extensive science.

But has our dairy production changed?

Environmental Toxins – our environment has changed dramatically in the past 30 years. Our rivers, streams, and ground water are contaminated with Glyphosate and other water soluble toxins that we’ve been spraying. The runoff is contaminating our ocean fish as everyone knows. We also have climate modification activities that have resulted in heavy metals like aluminum – we have independent studies where researchers have sampled ice in remote areas untouched by civilization such as Greenland, Arctic, and Iceland and found heavy metals on the outer layer of ice suggesting it is falling from the air all over the planet. We have gardeners spraying Roundup on apartment and association landscapes where we track that into our homes on the bottoms of our shoes and leave it in our carpet. We have mold growing in home air conditioners and in walls. We have an increasing number of vaccinations with mercury and aluminum adjuvants – perhaps 35 by age 18 months. We also have fluoride which has now been proven to have no affect on tooth health and serious and toxic effects on gut bacteria and our immune system. We collect various forms of plastic in our gut and these act as hormone disrupters. We believe plastics are benign but they’re far from it. We believe that cosmetics and personal hygiene items are benign, but they aren’t. We believe having 50 ingredients in soap and shampoo is good but it isn’t.

Has our use of toxic chemical pollutants and chemicals changed?

Electro Magnetic Fields “EMF” – we have increased our exposure to electromagnetic fields. Most people would intuitively understand that exposure to microwaves is not a good idea but our environment is being systematically filled with low-level microwave and we have no idea how much we’re actually exposed to. There is a growing body of evidence and science that EMF – coming from WIFI stations, cell phones, wireless devices of all kinds, the new digital meters installed by the electric companies without our permission, neighborhood transmitters and receivers for television, appliances, our watches, and a hundred other sources are cumulatively increasing our load beyond measure – are harmful to our mitochondria – the energy production center for our cells. And we’re about to “nuke” our planet with 5G – a technology being pushed forward with no human safety studies at all – not one funded by government or industry. And this 5G technology is going to show up  from 10 or more transmitters in your home via appliances, multiple satellites above you, buildings and stores and retail areas you visit, and much more. Our exposure without knowing anything about the risk to our health will be conservatively 100 times the exposure we have today.


If we look at our population, what does it tell us about the effects of these things that we discussed above? Is there evidence that these changes are having an effect?

Chronic Disease – non-communicable diseases, the ones you don’t catch from others – are things like heart disease, obesity, diabetes, cancer, multi-sclerosis, Parkinson’s, autism spectrum, auto-immune, thyroid failure, acute depression, and much more.

At the turn of the century these were largely unheard of and today over 50% of the population suffers from one or more chronic diseases, many undiagnosed. If the growth in chronic disease continues at its current rate, there are many scientists who warn we will bankrupt our healthcare system inside 20 years, that is, provided we still have healthcare for all and don’t do away with it in the next year.

Not only are these chronic diseases increasing, but even more alarming they are showing up at younger and younger ages. That’s what I’m saying – cancer, diabetes, heart failure, auto-immune, and AUTISM – big time – are all showing up in the teens or earlier in significant numbers.

If you wanted to reduce the earth’s population, you would not have to look for a way. The population of most developed countries has declined every year for the past 20 years. Fertility among both male and female has declined almost 50%.

Some might argue that some form of auto-immunity is at the root of almost every chronic disease we see. Auto-immunity is a condition where the body perceives enemies that activate the immune system constantly causing chronic inflammation which results in the body attacking itself. This can show up as any number of problems depending on genetics and which body system is the most susceptible. Some people will have inflammation show up in their thyroid, and some will show up in their skin. In some it will show up as acute sensitivity to certain foods or environmental factors. Some will have acute allergic reactions to medications they’re being given for another condition.

Auto-immunity and inflammation are the effects not the real root causes. The cause for most people is “leaky gut” a condition where the micro-biome or the gut bacteria are damaged by heavy metals, glyphosate, other environmental toxins, or bad foods. When a person has leaky gut, the protein from foods and toxins they digest, move freely into the blood stream bypassing the natural barriers built into a normally functioning gut and once in the blood stream they activate the immune system and cause attacks on good tissue throughout the body including the brain.

Aging – we’re not aging well. Sure medicine may have added years to some people’s lives, but make no mistake the quality of those years – on medications with tons of side-effects, walking with a walker, disabled, suffering from dementia – this is not a longer life that you want. And the scientific measures of longevity, the measure of DNA strands called “Telomeres” tell us the actual physical age of the body and as you might guess, most people are a lot older than their years.

We have a population that is highly dependent on a medical system designed to provide urgent care. Traditional medicine forms a diagnosis and then prescribes drugs to treat the illness. As we can keep people alive longer, they become consumers of more drugs. Good for the drug company – not so much for us.

And chronic diseases are gold mines for the pharmaceutical companies. The cost of drugs has increased 4X in the past 10 years and the number of drugs available to treat symptoms for chronic diseases is increasing – just watch television in the evening to see that for yourself.

Big Pharma has no interest whatsoever in solving any of these problems and to be honest,  they couldn’t solve this problem with drugs anyway – because the solution to aging is to limit what you take – limit what you ingest – get less bad stuff and give your body time to recover. A drug that was truly for aging would most likely cause something else even worse.

When Bill Gates announced he would fund research he framed it as developing a drug to address a particular condition. That speaks for itself – if you can’t fund research without a commercial outcome how can you ever get to the real root cause and solution?

Alzheimers – we don’t really have to quote facts about the increase in Alzheimers. The epidemic is so vast and so pronounced that almost everyone has touched it with their parents, the friends parents, and more. It’s pretty hard to ignore that Alzheimer’s is in the future for one out of two seniors.

Autism – 40 years ago the number of childhood cases of autism of any kind was well under one in 100,000. Today we’re getting ready to pass 1 in 40. The national Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System – VAERS – only captures 1% of all injuries caused by vaccination. Still the incidence of adverse events on the autism spectrum are growing and the vaccine court that hears cases for vaccine injuries has awarded over $4B on cases of vaccine injuries. Although nobody wants to admit it, the absence of safety studies in the world of vaccines makes this area highly suspect at least as a contributing factor.


Most of the best solutions are tied to our food. Sure we’re exposed to things in our environment but the human body is designed to eliminate most toxins and cure most disease if it isn’t overloaded by to many bad things.

So what we can do right away is learn to recognize things that are harmful and avoid them whenever possible.

Consider CANCER. The human body has cancer cells. They’re cells that grow in almost every body. Your immune system normally keeps them in check. Normally cancer cells can get a hold in the body because they’re killed by the immune system and detoxed (think “take out the trash”) that night. If your immune system is functioning the way it should and your detox systems aren’t too clogged up, then you’ll be able to hold your own against cancer and many of the other chronic diseases. But inflammation is what gets cancer started – it puts the body out of balance and disables the immune system so that cancer can get out of control.

Obesity, which is a chronic disease, and diabetes which goes right along with it, are mainly caused by inflammation.

So best to look at things that cause inflammation and study how to slow those down.

The immune system creates inflammation whenever it detects that there are invaders in the body. Inflammation is a temporary tool that the immune system uses to combat things that shouldn’t be there.

So what foods inflame your body?

GMOs – Genetically Modified Organisms have been proven in scientific studies and in clinical practice to inflame the gut and thus create a variety of symptoms. Avoiding GMOs is just a smart thing to do and if you avoid corn, soy, and wheat that have not been grown organically, you’ll eliminate the bulk of GMOs from your diet. Looking at package labelling will help you avoid more.

Lectins – lectins are proteins that form on various vegetable and produce products that are thought to be formed to protect the plant. In real life, people can be more or less sensitive to them but generally when eaten they bind with carbohydrates in the gut and play negative roles causing inflammation. One of the most notorious lectins is gluten. Found in grains such as wheat, some people are mildly or even strongly allergic to this lectin which generally causes inflammation.

Glyphosate – one thing you can count on is if you eat grains such as corn, wheat, soy, or any crop that is not organically grown, you’re going to be ingesting Glyphosate. Not only is it used to spray crops during growing, it is used to desiccate (dry out) crops once they are harvested. If you eat bread, or cereal, or any product made from or around these grains you’re going to get a steady dose of this and other pesticide/herbicides and these are the most deadly antibiotics on the planet. The guy who originally discovered Glyphosate put it on the shelf for fear that in using it he might cause the destruction of the planet. Unfortunately for us, Glyphosate is water soluble and therefore it can go anywhere and everywhere water goes – it is found in minute quantities in mother’s milk. It’s effect is to kill gut bacteria and cause massive inflammation in the gut which leads to leaky gut and that leads to even bigger issues.

Sugar – the best way I’ve seen to make this point is to point out what happens to any plant when it is super refined. What happens to a poppy? Sugar is a super-refined form of sugar beets or sugar cane – it’s in a form that was not intended to be ingested by humans. Its impact is immediate and sustained inflammation. As it is used in almost every packaged food known to man, it therefore puts packaged foods pretty much off limits. And that puts sodas with sugar and juices like orange juice off limits as well. Many people have gotten cancer under control just by eliminating sugar from their diets. But before we leave the subject, let’s realize that certain types of foods turn to sugar faster and in larger quantities than sugar. As soon as you place a slice of white bread or a mouthful of white potato into your mouth, your saliva goes to work converting that to sugar so quickly (glycemic index tells you which foods do this) that it might as well be sugar itself.

Dairy – the question keeps returning – do cows make milk for people or for calves (baby cows)? Most people are mildly allergic to dairy. Milk is really just cow puss that’s been homogenized and because of the rules around dairy they don’t have to tell you about the other contents – hormones, antibiotics, and more. Now if you’re committed to drinking your share of cow puss, the best on the planet if A2 milk, which is milk that’s been derived from certain types of cows that produce a very different type of milk that is much more digestible and of course organically produced so we don’t get the other ingredients that nobody talks about. If you can’t digest it then that will cause inflammation.

Meat – a number of very large scientific studies have already proven that people live longer when they don’t eat meat. It has also been proven without a doubt that meat eaters have a much higher cancer rate. All of the information about how much protein you need to stay healthy was manufactured by people who sell meat. It was never a scientific fact. If you listen to Tony Robbins very long – a vegetarian – he’ll tell you that a good diet of raw whole vegetables will provide all the protein a human needs. Once again we bought the massive misinformation campaign around meat. Just think about the media hype that sold us “corn fed beef” as being the best thing we ever ate. Remember that cows don’t eat corn at all – they’re not designed to eat corn or grains and they get sick and even die when they eat it. So who sold us on the idea that beef would be better if corn fed? Why does meat have such an impact on humans? It causes inflammation.

Yes if you eat only pasture-raised beef, chicken, and pork, it will be healthier than eating the alternative. But those producers are also misleading you about meat or they’ve grown up in a society who bought into the big lie and they’ve never known that eating meat was a big part of their problems.

Looking at the list, it probably seems like there’s nothing really safe to eat. The truth is, I’m not sure anyone ever actually does this 100%. The truth is that if you eliminate even a part of these your health will improve and your longevity will increase. If you slowly find a way to just eliminate packaged foods, your health will improve. If you find a way to eliminate sugar, and things that turn to sugar immediately, your health will improve.

Socrates said “Let food be thy medicine” – the truth is that bad food can kill you over a long period but good food can make you healthy a lot quicker.

Dr. Gerson became famous for curing cancer patients in a clinical setting. Sometimes you just have to leap over all the traditional medical cures – chemo, radiation, surgery – and do something you know is better for the patient. These traditional cures don’t cure cancer even though they have manipulated the data to say they do, if you look longer term, after the 6-12 months of most studies, you realize it’s just a scam – a multi-billion dollar scam but a scam. Susan B. Coman has raised billions to cure cancer and in all those years not one breakthrough has resulted – it’s just a much higher price for chemo, radiation, and surgery.

So Dr. Gersen said “Cancer is an inflammatory disease and the immune system isn’t doing it’s job” and he prescribed very healthy vitamin and enzyme-packed green drinks 3 times a day along with coffee enemas to get the detox system going and his patients not only got better but they experienced complete remissions in many cases. Does a cure have to be 100% to be valid? If so, then traditional cancer treatment fails that as well.


So you might feel there are many things listed that you just can’t do. That’s fine. Pick the ones you can and start there. Once you feel better, you have more mental clarity (one of the symptoms of inflammation is brain fog) you might decide to do more.

One of the things I can recommend to start is RESTORE

This can directly address the leaky gut with 2-3 tablespoons a day.

There are other supplements I’ll recommend in a future post. Once you’re firmly on the path, the supplements will help you get the nutrition from a new diet.



Half of Americans Will Be Diagnosed With Cancer by 2030



The Vaccine Reaction An enlightened conversation about vaccination, health and autonomy












Diabetes is going ballistic along with heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, nerve disorders, and male fertility is dropping like a rock. Plus there’s just no room to list all the relatively new auto-immune diseases that get advertised on primetime TV now. Children are now developing type 2 diabetes, a partial outcome of obesity. Alzheimers is now mainstream – 50/50 chance that as your parents get older, Alzheimers will go with it.

Do we really think that any of the drugs that we see advertised are going to cure those illnesses?

Do we really believe that folks who offer us drugs want to cure our illnesses?

If a drug company could poison you and then sell you the drug that barely keeps you alive, would they do that for profit?

Did you know that some people are spending over $1,000 per month on drugs and insurance is picking up another 9-10,000?

So now do we really believe that if a drug merchant knew the root cause of a problem like auto-immune diseases like thyroid, inflammation, arthritis, diabetes, etc. they would tell us what that was?

And if someone came up with a cure for all those diseases, what would the drug company do to protect their product? Would they discredit the idea? Would they ruin the researcher that found it? Would they threaten his or her family, would they purchase the idea and bury it? – all common occurrences and more. And why would they do this? Don’t they like their fellow human beings?

So when we see commercials showing people with skin rashes on TV and we have a skin rash, are we easily distracted? Yes in many cases we are. We get distracted and forget that all of these people have only one thing in common – they don’t want you to find the root cause and they want your money.


A lot of things have changed in the past 30-50 years.

We’ve dramatically changed how we grow our food.

We’ve dramatically changed how we control climate.

We’ve dramatically changed how many vaccines we inject in our children.

We’ve dramatically changed our drinking water and what chemicals we’re exposed to.

We’ve dramatically changed the amount of toxic chemically used worldwide for any purpose.


For the first time in recent history, the average lifespan has been revised down.

Given all the money funneled into cancer research, we have more people dying from cancer than ever before in history and there’s still only the same three multi-million dollar treatments – surgery, chemo, and radiation – nothing has changed but the price.

Childhood Autism Spectrum Disorders have climbed from 1 in 40,000 to 1 in 40 and projected to be 1 in 4.

Undiagnosed diabetes including pre-diabetes has climbed to near 50% of our population.

I don’t know – is it possible that we’re so distracted by TV commercials showing hundreds of drugs for everything that ails you that we’ve missed the fact that we’re getting worse?


Not only are we getting sicker, but we’re also getting stupider – the average IQ is decreasing along with fertility rates in men and women. We’re going to get too stupid to figure out why we’re sick and just trust the drug companies to make us better why we go further in debt buying drugs that don’t cure us.


Well yes – it’s the one that believes that our greatest problem is over-population. The race that calls humans “useless eaters” and the ones who own the central banks, the drug and chemical companies, and our governments.


Yes there is.

You can take control of your food and water. You can find good uncontaminated sources of food and water.

You can reduce your exposure to toxic chemicals. You can look carefully at cleaning products, gardening chemicals, cosmetics, and more.

You can adopt a plant-based organic diet.

Clinics all over the world have been curing everything from cancer to auto-immune. You can find testimonials on Youtube and Google – at least so far but internet censorship threatens to take that away. There are free videos almost weekly from various functional medicine doctors that will educate you on how to escape these traps and make the lifestyle changes mentioned above.

Just to see what’s at stake you can read these two letters about censoring Facebook.





  • You believe the body ages and wears out because you have seen the evidence (you believe) in generations of people who die
  • You believe the body needs technology and science to correct problems – vision, joints, digestion, disease, a pill for every ill, etc.
  • You believe that what you eat and what you expose yourself to doesn’t matter and certainly can’t make the difference between you having cancer or not
  • You believe that all the scientists and politicians working for drug companies and the FDA/CDC are working for your best interest and committed to healing you

Basing your philosophy about health on these basic beliefs is completely irrational and has no scientific validity.

There was a time largely reported in history including the bible when people lived for hundreds of years. We believe these to be legends because we live in a modern age with science on our side and many of us die at 70.

But consider the following beliefs supported by ample science.

  • The body was designed to live forever – if unencumbered by toxins, and enabled by proper nutrients, the body was designed to renew itself, replace all its cells,  detoxify itself, and live forever
  • The body has the ability to completely replace its cells in cycles generally less than 3 months
  • The body detoxifies itself of toxins and pollutants naturally when it is functioning correctly
  • The immune system eliminates most diseases and toxins such as cancer naturally – these chronic diseases cannot exist in the body that is functioning properly
  • The body does not function properly when it doesn’t receive the right nutrients
  • Animal-based protein drives the body to acidity (low PH balance) and creates an environment for disease
  • Plant-based protein and nutrients drives the body to alkalinity (high PH balance) and creates an environment for the body to eliminate all disease
  • If the body doesn’t function well then no drug or chemical can change the outcome – they can only temporarily mask the symptoms – but meanwhile they will damage the body and make it harder or impossible to function

Why aren’t these beliefs based on ample science not better known and followed by humans?

In our society, companies are allowed to sell you things that aren’t good for you. Also in that same society in the US, they are also allowed to sell you drugs that aren’t good for you.

In the US, our government can mandate that you use certain treatments and drug protocols whether you want to or not (ie. radiation, chemo, and surgery for cancer). And they can also mandate that your children receive a growing number of vaccines that include known carcinogens and toxins.

In the US, we grow genetically-modified food that no longer has the nutrients we need and contains toxins that are deadly to the humane body and our much-needed immune system.

When these influences converge to make us unhealthy, then we are given drugs that cost enormous amounts of money to mask the symptoms and keep us alive longer to take more drugs. No drug will ever cure us.

So we are living in “The Matrix” and the creators of that series of movies were seriously trying to tell us something.


The reason these ideas sound so preposterous is that you’re educated to believe otherwise from the time you first crack open a book in grammar school until you graduate from medical school. You’ve been fed the same false information for so long that it’s become your reality – whether true or not. YOUR BELIEF IN THESE FALSE FACTS ENABLES BILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN BUSINESS FLOWING FROM OUR POCKET TO THEIRS.

Just consider the balance of your attention is commanded by advertising – radio, TV, movie theaters, printed materials, internet, etc. and then consider that on balance of how much education you get based on real science and real scientific studies, and people who provide you with good basic health education based on new scientific information? Who do you think funds the studies that form the foundation for everything you hear about a drug?

Besides, if people could heal themselves, then we couldn’t have any hospital TV series to watch – right? and trillions in drug and vaccine sales would disappear.


  • Doctors are using diet alone to completely cure cancer, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, MS, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, and more.
  • Having fluoride in your drinking water is killing you and it’s not helping your teeth. If you eliminate this over time you’ll feel better.
  • Products you use as creams or personal care generally contain toxins that are absorbed by your skin and damage your gut and immune system. If you eliminate these over time you’ll feel better.
  • Everything you use that is packaged with “ingredients” and “warnings” on the labels are dangerous and if you eliminate those over time you will feel better.
  • Changing your diet and lifestyle over time can restore your health and make it possible for your body to recover it’s natural ability to heal and promote longevity.
  • Fasting resets your metabolism and immune system and causes your body to detox and cleanse itself – almost anyone can learn to water-fast for 5 days without serious health effects.
  • Eating an organic plant-based diet and minimizing animal protein and dairy products will quickly change your health for the better.


  • Who controls the research studies that are used to convince you that drugs are helping you?
  • Why is it that hundreds of millions of dollars per year have been going to cancer research for 20 years or more and yet no new cure has surfaced – the prevailing cure for cancer is still surgery, chemo, and radiation?
  • Why are almost 50% of people in America now overweighted and headed for obesity, diabetes, and heart disease?
  • Why are 1 in 35 children developing Autism Spectrum Disorder by age 10? And why is there a forecast that 1 in 3 children will develop ASD in the next 10 years?
  • Why don’t any of the drugs on the market cure any disease?

Most people think about improving their health by taking more – more healthy food, more vitamins and supplements, more drugs, etc.

In truth, managing your health is more about eliminating things and taking less. Gut health is your most important assets and everything that everyone is selling you is just ruining your gut. But you can recover if you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired.





Prescription drugs properly prescribed including vaccines is growing rapidly as one of the top 4 leading causes of death in America and not far behind worldwide. That means that if you go to the doctor and he prescribes a medication, you just doubled your risk of death in the near term and quadrupled your child’s chances. And in the case of infants 8 months or under, you’ve doubled the chances of sudden death syndrome.

But what about cancer and heart disease? In recent interviews of patients who had undergone radiation, chemotherapy, surgery, and stem cells therapies, every one of those that survived said if they had to do it again, they would have done the stem cells first.

Thousands of heart disease patients are reporting complete or almost complete remission after changing their diet and/or lifestyle.

More people are dying from chronic diseases than ever before in history. That means that obesity, diabetes, heart disease, auto-immune (which really covers hundreds of symptoms and diagnoses) and many different neurological diseases including Alzheimers and dementia, MS, and Autism all respond poorly to medications that always mask the symptoms but never cure the disease, while responding excellently to a change in diet.

We’re dying because of a perfect storm. Our food is killing us, chemicals are killing us, drugs are killing us, and our rain and our air are killing us. Any one of those we might adapt to but all of them at once?


The human body is nothing short of genius in action.

Ever read a label that says, “Safe if used in accordance with this label”?

Eat something bad for you, the body under normal operating conditions can detoxify and get rid of it.

Inhale something bad and the lungs can detoxify.

Ingest something that goes into the blood stream? The liver will remove it and allow the body to excrete it.

But when you don’t follow the directions on the label – say you inject something directly into your blood stream bypassing you stomach – now you’re violating the directions on the label and look out!

Let’s say you inject some aluminum and mercury into your blood stream – those are toxic but someone tells you – “it’s OK it’s safe.” – so you go ahead and do it. Let’s just jump over the fact that you’re 6 months old and weight 10 lbs.

Here you have this stuff entering your body via bloodstream and bypassing your normal mechanism in the gut for filtering and neutralizing these heavy metals. What’s going to happen if the body can’t eliminate them? Probably it will store them right? Try to put them away somewhere safe and insulated so they can’t hurt us.

But now we get another dose, and another. Still say “Trust us, it’s safe.”

But now, surprise, I get some aluminum from the rainfall or the air – it drops out of the sky because they’re doing some cloud seeding into the atmosphere and again, a “safe dose” reaches me through exposure to water and air.

But that’s not it, now I eat some fish and get more. Fortunately the impact is lower because my body is setup to detoxify air and food under normal circumstances.

But look – it’s not “normal circumstances” anymore because my immune system is depressed and I’m sick and my gut is not functioning properly because of all the exposure I’ve already gotten.

Still the body is setup to fight valiantly – fighting “the good fight” to reduce the burden. But now we’re really in trouble because here comes the Glyphosate – freshly sprayed on our corn and wheat because using it after harvesting helps dry the harvest faster so it can be taken to market. And besides, “trust me, it’s safe, it doesn’t harm humans.”

Glyphosate is not the worst thing in Roundup – the petroleum products in Roundup are far and away worse. But let’s stick with Glyphosate for a minute because it’s already been proven scientifically that it is more than harmful to humans in minute quantities. And it is additive and enhances the action of heavy metals. So although the body is designed with amazing capabilities to detox itself, it’s a losing battle when it’s coming at us from all angles.

The body can detoxify during sleep – we actually have a cycle that kicks in after we go to sleep. Of course if we can’t sleep or sleep intermittently then the process can’t really get to do it’s job. And what interferes with our sleep? Well the same things we’re talking about here as chemicals, combine with grains that we have scientifically proven the human body cannot digest, along with Lectins – the poison byproduct that plants secret that attaches to our gut lining and renders it ineffective in digesting and absorbing nutrients. And let’s don’t forget to add sugar to this perfect storm. It was always bio-available in natural quantities in fruits and vegetables, but once we refined it and added high fructose corn syrup, we created something as potent as cocaine (also a refined powder from a natural plant) and when you add the devastating effect that sugar has on the body you don’t really have to go any further – it’s a perfect storm.

We can generate our own stem cells – you know that in the times of our ancestors, the plains people, we would go for weeks without eating and days without water. No matter who you believe evolution works, these conditions would result in a body that stored food as fat, then when no food was available, burned fat for energy – the average human body can go for months without refueling. And until you’ve gone without food for 3-5 days, you body doesn’t realize “Oh, I’m not going to see a meal every 4 hours – better start burning some fat!”

And now as I begin to burn my natural fuel, the thing the human body was designed to live on, something else happens. The greatest detoxification miracle ever designed – the body begins to destroy every weak or cancerous cell it can find – consuming the damaged or weak cells (autophagy) and killing them off completely (apoptosis) and eliminating them while mobilizing stem cells (they’re already there in your fat and everywhere in the body) to replace the old ones – this is why Depak Chopra and others remind us that every cell in our body replaces itself frequently.

Oh did you think you needed to fly to a clinic in some foreign country to get a stem cell injection? No, you can do that right here in the United states – they’ll harvest your own stem cells from your fat and inject them where they’re needed – the body can do it but if you want to speed up the process then help nature take a short cut.

So in our natural state with all functions working, we can repair any disease and overcome any illness.


If you were the richest man in the world and one day you were struck with the population numbers. Soon humans would multiply to the point where the earth could no longer sustain us. Soon we would reach the point that our pollution would smother the planet and our demand for products and foods would surpass the world’s ability to keep up. You knew in your gut that unless someone did something it would certainly threaten the way of life of you and your family. What would you do?

Perhaps first you would introduce birth control hoping it would catch on and become the normal thing. But after ten years of sinking billions into birth control, it would hardly make a dent in the problem.

What would you do next?

You might ask the question, “How can we slow down population growth? How could we limit life span? How could we subtly increase the death rate? Because you believed that your fellow humans were too stupid to know better, you would conclude that drastic measures would be warranted. It was time for an “intervention.”

Only you can decide if this hypothetical conversation ever occurred. I don’t know myself. But what I do know, is that as a plan, this one could actually work. Reduce the population by half in 100 years? Done.


Those that know me know that I’m not an “Apocalypse” kind of guy. in my mind, titling this article automatically attracts some of the wrong readers and repels some of the good ones. I can only hope after reading it, you forward to a few friends with a note that says, “The title may throw you but read on there are some important ideas in here.”

Scientists call it “tolerance stacking” – it when everything is within tolerance in an experiment but the sum total of all of the variances is out of tolerance. And our environment may be safe or within tolerance for a few items but cumulatively it is definitely “out of tolerance.” And by that I mean even if we accept the FDA and CDC idea that a certain amount of mercury and aluminum is OK or safe, when you add that to everything else, suddenly there’s a massive problem and everyone is “trusting me” away the problem.

Now let’s look at the elements of the “PERFECT PLAN” in more detail…

Pharmaceuticals – let’s focus on people who make billions by selling you things to mask and cover symptoms caused by things in the environment – food, pesticides, GMO seeds, and more caused by other divisions or entities with common interests. The more people get sick the more drugs we sell. And remember that vaccines are a trillion dollar business that kills over 50% of the university and private studies that don’t agree with their narrative on vaccines. Even a Harvard research team of noted scientists can’t get their work accepted or published when it doesn’t agree with big Pharma. How much wouldn’t they spend to protect this business? A billion is pocket change in terms of protecting this business. Do you have any idea how many competent doctors and scientists they have ruined because they dared to go against the chosen narrative? Contrary studies and experts are popping up all over the world and investigators are exposing documents that show the CDC and FDA are corrupt and owned by the Pharma industry and yet they still manage to keep this alive – even in the face of stats that show that over 1 in 2 children, 50% will have Autism resulting from vaccination. Most people don’t know that the Pharma industry is completely immune from vaccine suits and litigation – the American public has been footing the bill in the billions to defend and hold harmless the Pharma industry. Every time a suit comes up it goes to “Vaccine Court” where our own government defends big Pharma and belittles and argues with victims to deprive them of settlements resulting from vaccinations that rob thousands of children of their lives and their parents as well. The situation in this industry could only exist if the entire US government knew about it and turned away. It could only exist if a majority of management in the CDC and FDA and US government decided to allow the killing or disabling of children to continue. The only reason you don’t believe this right now is that you cannot believe that so many people would participate in activities they knew would kill or disable millions of children. You refuse to believe it and therefore you ignore the facts. The facts are out there waiting for you.

Agriculture – let’s focus on how we turned over our agricultural process to the people who produced the gas used by Hitler for the jews. We turned over our agriculture to a group that the international tribunal at Hague concluding in 2017 pronounced a criminal company.

“The Monsanto Tribunal took place in 2016-2017 in The Hague. Five judges delivered a legal opinion and concluded that Monsanto’s (now, Bayer) activities have a negative impact on basic human rights. Better regulations are needed to protect the victims of multinational corporations. International law should be improved for better protection of the environment and include the crime of ecocide. The entire process is documented in a brochure and  a documentary titled “The Monsanto International Tribunal, the Making of”.

GMOs and Insecticides and herbicides are only a few ways that big Agri-Biz has impacted our agriculture and our health. By patenting seeds these companies have insured that they can eventually drive any other farmer out of business. It is not uncommon for a train of black suburbans to show up at a farm for x-military types to speak to the farmer about why he’s not planting their seed. In farms that refuse to grow GMO, the strategy is to wait until the GMO seed blows into their field, then do testing, and charge the farmer with violating their patent and shut down their farm.

Agricultural runoff of GMOs and Glyphosate have contaminated our ground water, dried out our fields until they can no longer be planted, and run into our oceans where they have contaminated our fish. Today when a baby is born, a blood test shows measurable quantities of Glyphosate – a source of inflammation and then more serious problems as various medications and vaccines add to the perfect storm.

Inflammation is how the body fights off its enemies. When it is inflamed all the time, things begin early deterioration and bad things happen earlier and earlier. We now have more obese and diabetic children than ever before in history.

We have also seen the introduction of “factory farms” for raising our beef, pork, and chicken. These are designed to be very efficient but at the cost of sanitary conditions – today in a typical factory farm for pigs, up to 30% of the herd will die before maturity even though high doses of antibiotics are used. These pigs are raised knee-deep in their own feces for their entire lifespan – would there be a possibility of infections and diseases?

These animals not only pass on antibiotics to our table, they are also fed GMO corn and soy which finds it’s way to our table as well along with heavy doses of Glyphosate. These substances are heavily concentrated in milk and dairy products. The amount of estrogen is also a factor – it doesn’t have to be listed on labels nor anything else for that matter but since we began milking cows while pregnant, the amount of estrogen in milk has skyrocketed and so have “man boobs.” Just a coincidence? – everything can’t be a coincidence.

Our crops no longer have any minerals or vitamins because the soil they’re growing in is dead. Ask any farmer who just purchased a tractor 3 times the size of the older one – did he just want a new bigger tractor? No, it now takes 5-7 times the force to break the ground because it is no longer alive. All of the organisms that populate the ground are gone and those are the same organisms that carried the minerals and made them available to the plants. Just because you don’t see “scorched earth” when you look at a field of corn doesn’t mean it isn’t scorched.

Farmers are reporting that they are harvesting one-half or even one-third the production per acre based on 10-15 years ago.

And if you think that Organic Foods is the answer, just think about how much money big Agri-BIz would spend to put organic foods under their umbrella and control?

Healthcare – its very possible that within the next 10 years, healthcare itself will kill more people than any one disease. Certainly, anyone who has been a cancer patient will tell you that of the billions invested in cancer research and cures, not one solution has appeared that didn’t make the big Pharma companies more money. The cost of chemotherapy and radiation have not come down as a result of research and the only statistics generated on these “cures” don’t track patients long enough to show us that their survival rate is lower than had they not been treated at all.

The doctors are trained using data developed by the Pharmaceutical companies. These companies own everything. Universities are so dependent on big Pharma grants that big Pharma owns them and every so often when someone – a doctor or researcher – steps out of line, they make an example of him or her, ruin their career, their family, everything on earth – think black, scorched earth – and make it highly visible to everyone in that university system.

The same is true of the media. They place 60% or more of the advertising – they own key markets and media. If a media outlet wants to publish something anti-Pharma, they quickly learn that there is a reason why these guys place so many ads in those outlets.

The studies and stats that you read are exactly what big Pharma wants you to read – make no mistake. Over 50% of the papers and research studies submitted for peer review to the journals are not published – and are killed because they present potentially damaging research. Meanwhile, a study published by a prestigious university group funded by a non-profit nobody has ever heard of, gets published and is very helpful to the Pharma industry. Nobody looks more closely at a non-profit or they would see that the special interests were funding it and its clear that the setup was solely for the purpose of deception no matter how cleverly the non-profit was named.

Lately there’s been a trend to make non-profits more “believable” by installing “true believers” in key roles – people with misguided understandings driven by a good cause but lacking the actual mental capacity to understand how they’re being used.

Meanwhile alternative medicine is in high demand putting insurance companies in a dilemma. It’s clear that Functional Medicine is getting traction among patients and even traditional doctors. Doctors who look for root causes of disease instead of simply diagnosing and prescribing. Doctors who don’t believe in pharmaceuticals but believe and can prove with thousands of patient case studies that food is thy medicine.

Insurance companies are beginning to see better longevity, reduction and reversal of obesity, diabetes, heart disease – it’s impossible to escape and some insurance carriers are looking for ways to support on a limited basis. The economics are there but the big Pharma companies are putting more pressure on doctors and insurers to shape the narrative and reality again to their liking. Once again, billions of dollars against a grass roots efforts to improve health. The battle ground appears to be whose narrative wins?

But the numbers are abysmal and you can only cover it up so long. For the first time in our known history, the average life span has decreased. People are sicker, their quality of life is shorter before they get sick and become an invalid where they will live out their days in a wheel chair or a bed – big Pharma will try to keep them alive as long as possible so they can continue using 12 drugs per day.

I know this are very hard to believe – how could things be so bad? Wouldn’t someone else be talking about this? When you’re ready to listen and believe, the facts are already out there waiting for you.

Geo-engineering – is it possible that we really are spraying our atmosphere with aluminum?  Is there another explanation for why there are factories throughout the world producing millions of tons of micro-powdered aluminum?

Would climate control explain this?

If we can test the soil anywhere in the world and find micro-particles of aluminum, does that confirm that we must be distributing it into the atmosphere? Why?

One theory is that it provides a form of cloud seeding control over the weather. Another that it creates a reflective layer that turns the suns UV rays back into space and away from the earth thus cooling the planet.

Whatever the theory you believe, the aluminum micro-particles are real – they’re measurable and can be found in Iceland in the snow pack. They’re everywhere and why would you even look for them?

Because adding that aluminum to the already excessive burden from vaccines and agriculture, you now have another source for what might be termed “safe exposure below safety limits” but we know that given everything else in our environment, none of this can possible be “below safe limits.”


Perhaps this is all just a story – a conspiracy theory as unbelievable as any. The whole idea that the richest man in the world would hold malice toward humanity may be a stretch. The idea that anyone could put together such a evil plan too far reaching. Perhaps nobody planned this – it was just the random action of a wide variety of large companies acting in their own corrupt financial interests. Of course it is normal for big companies to scheme and plot about removing competition and taking over the government – we see movies about that all the time. And of course we’ve already proven that’s exactly what has happened – it’s easier to prove it than unseat the villains.

What would it look like to undo some of these things? It’s certainly going to be messy – no way around it.

Take pharmaceuticals and vaccines. They have the public convinced that we’ll have major outbreaks if we stop vaccinating. They spend billions creating that narrative. They do not use any scientific evidence to prove that at all. They don’t need it. They have come to understand how to shape the narrative with Mr. and Mrs. America without uttering a single word of science (something backed up by real unbiased studies and peer-reviewed conclusions). Meanwhile there is ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE to support any danger of that kind at all. It is very likely that if we immediately stopped vaccination our rates would either stay the same or decline – in some areas it has already been proven they would decline.

The vaccine industry would stop  – hundreds of thousands of people would lose their jobs – overnight they would just stop. Without the protection of the vaccine court, the pharmaceutical industry would not have the risk protection paid by the US government and would just stop. It would be the best thing but the most unlikely thing.

Of course playing the game the way they do, they would find cases where they could prove that the absence of vaccination causes a illness and put that into the press. Shame the US into re-instating vaccines on some limited basis.

China and the UK have already curtailed vaccines but not yet across the board. The US has been decades behind the rest of the world on this issue.

What about agriculture? Can we remove support from the agri-biz industry sufficient to “put them out of business”? Can we just buy local and organic and remove our dollars? Many people say this is the way to do it but most are incapable of understanding how these people think and what having billions available to fight makes them capable of. I can guarantee you the solution to getting back our freedoms in this arena are far from as easy as where we purchase our food. But that is a good start. It works for shutting down factory farms and production of meats as well.

Do we think that political action is going to give us some traction? Is activism the answer? I would advise that these industries have been anticipating activism and political action for a long time and have had time to prepare – they own all the key senate and house positions – they own the agencies (FDA, CDC, EPA, etc.) – they own the media – they’re prepared in this arena.


This is probably the question I find the most challenging. I always marvel at the movies that  display the ‘end of the world” scenario and somehow they pull off a save. How do they think of those things? In the movie “The Avengers Infinity War” just out recently, (SPOILER ALERT) the bad guy won. He killed all the super heroes and half the people in the universe just turned to dust. He clearly believed that over-population was the biggest threat and he fixed it with a snap of his finger. Poof – half the population was gone. In the movie, a Marvel Masterpiece, the Avengers could only do what they did – fight him head-on time and time again, gang up on him, look for bigger weapons and weaknesses – a whole movie of the Avengers fighting and losing. Which I guess illustrated that when you try to go head to head with an enemy who is way too strong for you, and prepared and on his turf, you lose every time.

Which suggests that we should not fight the enemy head to head and not on his turf or in his arena.

The only thing I know of that we have that fits that description is our buying power. We have the ability to chose where we shop and what we purchase. We have the ability to raise our own food, work with local farmers, and the ability to say “no” to mainstream medicine and “yes” to alternatives. Of course we don’t have choices when it comes to urgent care – but we have so many times when we do.

I’m excited to hear your comments. Thanks for reading.


The Untold Story

Health Signpost

This story is painful for anyone to read but I need to tell it because I have spent years studying the research that is available but not utilized or even worse, buried in the interest of the companies who’s revenue streams are threatened by it.


Today we generally accept the word of our institutions and doctors. We rely on them to give us the benefit of the latest research and to give us advice on how to remain safe. If the authorities tell us we need to vaccinate to stay safe, we believe and follow their advice without question. We generally believe that our government and its various agencies would not harm us and would protect us from companies that might do us harm for money.

But the facts are telling us that this is not true.

  • In spite of all the research and technology available in the medical care arena, the health of our nation and the world is rapidly declining.
  • Chronic diseases are dramatically increasing and the latest research cites our vaccines, our food, our use of chemicals, and our healthcare system as the major causes of our health crisis.
  • One of the key agencies responsible for guarding Americans from unsafe vaccines and medications has been proven to be corrupt. The agencies owns over 50 patents and must force Americans to utilize these vaccines in order to fund their salaries, bonus, and pensions. It is highly unlikely that only the CDC is corrupt – the pharmaceutical and chemical companies have penetrated and corrupted the other agencies as well.
  • Congress and our president are not willing to help us. Our congress has given the pharmaceutical industry a “get out of jail free” card by setting in place laws that allow the drug companies to escape from lawsuits for negligence of any kind and any damage their products do to our children. the US spends taxpayer money to compensate the families when they rarely win their cases to prove negligence.
  • Our food supply has been corrupted to the point where our population suffers from a situation that can only be compared to a sci-fi movie where the aliens cause the population to be infected with a virus that eventually and slowly kills everyone. Our GMO food supply even without glyphosate and dicamba is slowly causing inflammation in our gut – our microbiome – that causes widespread auto-immune disease which is the root cause for all of the diseases in the graphic at the top of this page and more. The insecticides and heavy metal toxicity from our vaccines and medications accelerate the effect of these GMOs and make them even more deadly.
  • We’re using billions of tons of chemicals for industry and farming and this humber is increasing daily. These chemicals are mainly toxic to humans and they are now found in our groundwater, rainwater, air, and oceans. These are showing up in fetal blood samples. The practice of utilizing chemicals has poisoned the earth and there is very credible research that points this out as well as the opinion of the Hague tribunal that convicted Monsanto of crimes against humanity.


We can’t read and accept even half of the above without realizing painfully that nobody is going to guard and protect us from these influences. The overall influence of billions of dollars of revenue from these various industries has finally twisted the fabric of our nation and there is nobody left to protect us save ourselves. We are alone.

It’s hard to believe that our governments and corporations would continue to act so blindly as to perpetuate this virtual genocide unless you come to realize that these people have come to adopt and believe the very narrative they have fed to the American public and to congress. They have fallen victim themselves to their narrative. If they really knew how many billions they will kill with their poisons, I don’t think they would continue but they are blind to the facts and that means that we must find another path if we wish to live out our lives and have our children live out their lives without pain and suffering.

Right now, the statistics say we are losing that battle. Our average lifespan is shorter and our rates of chronic disease are traveling upscale to the point that long before they kill everyone our healthcare systems will go bankrupt – this will happen on diabetes alone.


Inflammation is a condition that internally is just like it sounds. Our immune system detects things that shouldn’t be there and it sets out to cause inflammation as a temporary method for ridding the body of the infection or foreign material.

Of course the body wasn’t meant to be inflamed 24 X 7. When it is, then our bodily functions start to break down. Our immune system becomes ineffective and that opens the door for everything from obesity to cancer.

And this isn’t speculation. We have plenty of very high quality scientific research – mainly suppressed – that proves that these conditions exist and are triggered by the many factors being introduced into our bodies from many different sources.


The sources of inflammation are multi-factorial – that is, there are many different sources and they are all capable of adding together and even accelerating each other.

Agriculture – we’re been growing our major crops – corn, soy, wheat, and more using genetically modified seeds. We’re told these are safe and the same as the real thing but clearly that is not based on any scientific evidence. Rather the evidence is that these GMO grains are toxic to our systems. Over time, they make us react as if our foods are causing mild to severe allergic reactions when we eat them. The chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers used in our agriculture are being used in increasing amounts every year. They are all toxic at much lower levels.

Weather Modification – we have a history of using heavy metals sprayed into our atmosphere for the past 40 years or more to act as reflectors of ultra-violet and to enable forced production of rain. The heavy metal nano-particals fall to earth and move into our groundwater which in turn moves to our oceans contaminating fish both farmed and natural natives.

Vaccination – with over 50 mandatory vaccination strains in 26 injections for children starting at one-day old, we have a massive amount of heavy metals far exceeding any known safe dosage being injected into our children’s blood streams. There are no known safety studies and the studies that have not been suppressed prove that not only are heavy metals being injected (your body is designed to eliminate heavy metals you ingest but not those that come unnaturally into your blood stream bypassing digestion). There are 200 more in the pipeline and vaccines are a trillion dollar business that the pharmaceutical companies who kill to maintain. The increasing numbers for child autism alone should be signaling a need for change – we’re projected to see 1 child in 4 with autism in the next 10 years.

Chemical Exposure – the list is so long that I hesitate to even get started. Chemicals toxic to our health and a root cause of inflammation are found in our kitchens, our laundry, our bathrooms and more. Even our drinking water has fluoride and other chemicals and metals that we don’t expect to be drinking. And by the way, boiling our water only affects biologicals but does nothing about heavy metals and other toxins.


So by now you’re thinking this might be a story with a happy ending? And that all we need to do is activate the population. Unfortunately I don’t think that’s going to work.

  • Working through our elected officials – you need to realize that there is so much money riding on this that most of our elected officials wouldn’t survive without this revenue stream. Government agencies could not survive without the revenue from patents and various sources tied to this revenue stream. Thousands of people would be out of a job if we killed the chemical problem. And remember that these companies have billions to spend on misinformation, propaganda, and even their brand of terrorism – that’s right, if you think that our farmers haven’t seen the black suburbans full of ex-military show up when they refuse to use Monsanto seeds, you’d be wrong.
  • Working through our agencies – the big pharma and agricultural companies already have these agencies so heavily infiltrated that there’s no chance that you’re going to influence them no matter how many people you get to march on their front doors.
  • Working through the courts – when the Hague Tribunal condemned Monsanto for crimes against humanity, many people thought that would be the end of them. As far as we can tell, Monsanto didn’t even hiccup. These companies are impossible to kill or even wound. If you seriously shut down the drug companies, many of the television networks would collapse because most of their advertising revenue comes from pharma.
  • Protesting – the opposition has the government running interference for them. That’s means they have the policy force and the armed services. It’s highly unlikely that any of us can mount enough protests to make them notice our actions.


The hardest question to answer is “What strategy will work against this problem?”

The problem is that all of these corporation interests have had too many years to entrench and the families who are ultimately behind all of this don’t really believe in unlimited population growth.

First, we have to believe that a top-down conversion or transformation is an impossibility. Too many agencies and companies are already organized to not only resist but to discredit and neutralize and amount of science brought to bear. It’s not going to work to think we can “change minds” with an overwhelming flood of irrefutable evidence – if we think that, we’re grossly underestimating the power of billions of dollars set in place to own all of the media outlets, institutions, and research. You just aren’t thinking big enough.

So that leaves you with grass roots action of some kind. The power of organized and wide-spread action suggests a solution. But what is the right “trim tab” that makes everything change with the least effort?

It has been suggested that a widespread boycott of agricultural products once it reached 15% would significantly damage the agricultural and chemical industries.

A coordinated withdrawal from Vaccine programs would only be successful if it reached a 50-80% level. But this has some serious challenges for parents who have no exemptions in their state and would have to face the inability to register their children in school.

It’s a little harder to envision a boycott of pharmaceuticals – someone with diabetes taking insulin has very few choices without seeing a different doctor and operating outside the normal insurance-driven traditional medical machine. And those taking blood pressure medications to mask the underlying influence of auto-immune disease caused by exposure to food products or other chemicals have very few options to discontinue medications without risking serious complications.

Functional Medicine is taking hold in America and I have no doubt that in 20 years we’ll have insurance companies aligned and supporting the their highly effective methods for reversing all these chronic disease processes including heart disease, obesity, diabetes, auto-immune, and more. But that’s doesn’t point to a more urgent solution. Long before 20 years, we’ll bankrupt our medical system with the extraordinary escalation of these chronic diseases.

We apparently need a strategy that forces our insurance systems to massively include Functional Medicine now. And you can be absolutely certain that the multi-trillion dollar industry of pharmaceuticals will see this as a threat and spend billions on disinformation, counter-research, and created narratives in the major media to neutralize such a transaction – in fact, you can bet they have already anticipated this and infiltrated the major insurance companies with people who will allow them to influence and control these decisions – that’s how they work.


It seems clear what will happen if we do nothing and try to ignore this. It seems clear that we need a much smarter options than the ones I have suggested.

Because it is clear that as a society, our numbers are clearly going in the wrong direction and that everything and everyone we have put our faith in has failed, we should be able to make a commitment to a solution.

Consider this thought pattern – hundreds of millions of dollars have gone into “finding the cure for cancer” and the pink ribbon is almost universally recognized as the symbol for this effort. But today, if you get cancer, you will be faced with the same solutions that existed 20 years ago – surgery, chemo, and radiation – sure the machines are better but the basic idea hasn’t changed in spite of all the “research” paid for under the pink ribbon.

Consider that thought process. Why do we keep taking anyone’s word for the fact that our food is safe, our pharmaceuticals are safe, our chemicals are safe, and so on.

Perhaps you think that the idea that all of these things aren’t safe is just a conspiracy theory? If I was making billions of products in these arenas, wouldn’t you spend a billion on a disinformation campaign that shaped the narrative toward conspiracy theories?

Unfortunately, we are just that easy to manipulate and we’ll have to get smarter to survive.




Psychobiotics: Bacteria For Your Brain?

Psychobiotics: Bacteria For Your Brain?

Every functional medicine psychiatrist has case stories of the ‘probiotic cure’ – of a patient with debilitating symptoms, often obsessive compulsive range, whose symptoms remitted completely with dietary change and probiotic supplementation. Is this voodoo or is it based on a growing understanding of the role of the microbiome in mental health and behavior?

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