BEING CONNED – right after fear of death, is one of mankind’s greatest fears. It’s responsible for our actions in subtle ways we don’t realize. It causes us to, in many cases, ignore the truth as we take action to avoid perceived CONS.
We generally decide who to listen to and exclude voices we don’t know. Even when we trust a friend, this can often lead to a CON that even the friend was unaware of. So we pick and chose carefully – we generally trust mainstream media because we think they “fact-check” their sources and have strict editorial controls and rules to follow. We trust people with more education and are licensed like our doctor, our lawyer, our accountant, and researchers who have a strong set of credentials. We almost always trust non-profits with official-sounding names ie. “The Center for Countering Digital Hate.”
The problem is that the greatest and richest CONMEN know this about us and know how to create resources we trust. So our fear of being CONNED is well-founded in today’s world – the fact is, we are being CONNED almost hourly. There is nothing that you could currently hear that isn’t being “spun” by someone. The “tail” is definitely “wagging the dog.”
The people who spin the news and advertising messages have studied us carefully and know more about us than we do. For instance, they know that our subconscious can be programmed to elicit standard responses when a drug commercial shows beautiful and emotional color images while the required side effects are shown in a monotone and easily forgotten. When we hear a person on TV dressed in a white coat say “This medication is safe and effective” many, many times over and repeated, we believe he is a doctor and what he is saying is scientific.
There is little difference in how this works compared to the days when ‘Tobacco Science’ taught us that smoking was good for your health – especially inhaling. They showed actors in white coats looking like doctors smoking cigarettes.
And then when we challenge someone who has accepted this as fact by saying, “Hey, that’s not science,” the person programmed reacts with disgust…”of course its science, I saw the doctor on TV.”
As the “spinners” become more sophisticated they program you to “cancel” anything they don’t want you to accept. So you listen to your favorite talk show and they repeat frequently, “Those scientists can’t be trusted. They lie all the time. Look here’s an example…” Then eventually, if you hand that person a peer-reviewed and published scientific case study that proves your point, the programmed person reacts with, “I’m not reading that case study because scientists lie all the time.” Forget how absurd that statement really is, but you’ve effectively programmed the person to cancel anything having any scientific validity at all.
I asked my son which he would believe, a talk show host who said vaccines are safe, or a published scientist who said they weren’t. He said, “I just listened to a couple of well-known actors (he mentioned their names) talking about vaccines and encouraging everyone to get one. Why shouldn’t I believe them?” He’s 48 years old.
So the CON is more sophisticated and most people who don’t believe they can be fooled or CONNED are good targets. A good example of a full-on mind control CON is MAX MAJOR in America’s Got Talent. In one session, he addressed an entire audience on life TV feeds (a COVID thing I presume) and implanted an idea that got almost 90% update. It was an “INCEPTION” from the movie of the same name. An idea planted without the knowledge of the recipient who adopted the belief that it was their own idea.
OK so the way this works now is that you’re programmed to think this is your own original thinking. You think that “scientists are liars” is your own idea, conclusion, based on factual information. So when someone challenges that, you get angry, upset, aggravated, and in some cases belligerent.
Read the following statements and note which ones cause a reaction.
- Vaccines do not prevent you from getting COVID or passing it on – infecting others.
- Vaccines kill more people than SARS-COV2.
- Those who have had COVID, even a mild case, are naturally immune forever, and cannot pass on COVID or catch it – this includes any variant.
- Lockdowns and masks do not prevent the spread of SARS-COV2.
- The SARS-COV2 virus was created/engineered by scientists in the WUHAN laboratory which research was funded by NIH and Anthony Fauci.
- There are readily known treatments for COVID that reliably prevent hospitalization and death.
- Anthony Fauci lied to congress and has been referred to the DOJ for investigation.
- The CDC/FDA have lied to the public and are being prosecuted in Federal Court in Oregon.
- Over 180M people have been vaccinated in the U.S. or about 54% of the population. An estimated 120M people have contracted COVID and recovered and have natural immunity which has been proven to be just like all others viral illnesses – once you recover you have lifetime immunity.
- Most hospitalizations today are either vaccinated people with COVID or recently vaccinated with adverse events.
- Vaccination during a pandemic causes forced mutation of the virus which causes the vaccinated to re-infect without protection. Using boosters or continuing vaccination accelerates the mutation process and only those with natural immunity escape.
Do any of these statements cause a reaction as described above? Do any of these statements appear to be out and out lies? Misinformation?
Do you have a single book or case study in your possession (home, office) that clearly disproves any of these statements?
What makes you think if you disagree with these statements you don’t have to prove they’re wrong?
Those who have been programmed with the mainstream narrative often experience brain-fog, poor sleep, fatigue, and confusion. They are intolerant to news of any kind. Too much of the news reporting conflicts with each other and agency spokespersons present conflicting information almost daily. These folks are the targets of the campaign and often give up trying to listen or understand what’s really happening. They give up. And often you see them wandering through the park with one or two masks on. They wear a mask while they drive by themselves – it’s just easier to leave it on all the time.
The first way to break free is to become determined to do so. You have to commit yourself to understanding what’s going on by forgetting about the mainstream and looking for alternative sources of information. You can’t trust the media, our agencies, or social media so you need to engage with news sources who don’t have advertisers and are privately funded so you understand their motivation. You need to be able to trust them.
Next you need to decide who is credible for providing information.
There are thousands of published and peer-reviewed case studies. These are submitted by scientists who have credentials and have put their methods for making the study and determination on display so that other scientists can first peer-review their report and then publish it out for comment and debate. If an article is cited many times (you can see this on a website called “PUBMED”) then you can begin to have confidence in the methods used to arrive at its conclusions.
Next you find the news channels who interview the scientists who conduct these studies and publish these papers. There are many, but among the best operated and funded are CHILDREN’S HEALTH DEFENSE and THE HIGHWIRE and MERCOLA.
Now listening to scientists and reading their papers is not the most fun thing you’ll ever do so it takes a certain amount of persistence and patience while you look up words they use and suffer through convoluted and unclear explanations. They do the best they can and many are improving dramatically as they accept the call of being “whistleblowers” in very dangerous times.
And keep in mind these websites are on the top 10 targets for misinformation according to the Center for Countering Digital Hate…an example of how Gates and Big Pharma attempt to cancel what they call misinformation.
You’ll find that if they use videos, they don’t use YOUTUBE, or FACEBOOK. because these platforms censor anything on the subject of vaccines or COVID….anything. So there are alternative platforms for video that will host anything with impunity.
Here is a video series that illustrates how interviewing scientists often works – Dr. Malone is one of the most accomplished, credible, and clearest speakers among many whistleblower scientists. The world has literally thousands of scientists trying to be heard on this subject.
Now let’s go back and address those statements and review the evidence or lack thereof for each one. You may be surprised.
Vaccines do not prevent you from getting COVID or passing it on – infecting others.
The CDC and FDA as well as the actual manufacturers of the vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, etc.) all state that the vaccines do not prevent COVID nor do they prevent infecting others “Spread” – they only lesson the symptoms of COVID. This means that you cannot mandate the vaccines assuming they will prevent infection of others – they do not. And they do not prevent a vaccinated person from getting COVID from either a vaccinated or unvaccinated person.
Vaccines kill more people than SARS-COV2.
The only system in America for tracking vaccine safety issues called “Adverse Events” is the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System created by the Vaccine Injury Act of 1986) it is maintained by the CDC and FDA and data entry is primarily performed by physicians. It has been around since 2010 and a Harvard Study determined that its data is less than 1% of actual events – in other words, doctors for various reasons are not reporting adverse events after vaccination as required.
VAERS reports injuries deaths occurring after a vaccine shot. Although VAERS has reported over 12,000 deaths within 48 hours of a vaccination event, these injuries cannot be scientifically and definitively linked to vaccination.
As a reference, however, we can look at vaccine deaths that occurred since 1986 and determine that the number of deaths reported in the past 8 months is greater than the cumulative deaths of all vaccinations since 1986.
We can also understand that a 1% reporting rate means the actual deaths could be as much as 1.2M. As adverse events and serious injuries typically take patients to hospitals, we could also conclude what is being reported in Israel, a country far ahead of us in actual vaccinations, that many of the hospitalizations are vaccination related. Serious injuries reported in VAERS are 500K+ which means as many as 50M people have had injuries serious enough to send them to the hospital. These injuries include a wide range of illnesses from heart disease such as myocarditis and seizure disorders such as Guillan-Barre Syndrome.
To date, COVID that are specifically from COVID and not with COVID are less than 50K.
Those who have had COVID, even a mild case, are naturally immune forever, and cannot pass on COVID or catch it – this includes any variant.
- Lockdowns and masks do not prevent the spread of SARS-COV2.
- The SARS-COV2 virus was created/engineered by scientists in the WUHAN laboratory which research was funded by NIH and Anthony Fauci.
- There are readily known treatments for COVID that reliably prevent hospitalization and death.
- Anthony Fauci lied to congress and has been referred to the DOJ for investigation.
- The CDC/FDA have lied to the public and are being prosecuted in Federal Court in Oregon.
- Over 180M people have been vaccinated in the U.S. or about 54% of the population. An estimated 120M people have contracted COVID and recovered and have natural immunity which has been proven to be just like all others viral illnesses – once you recover you have lifetime immunity.
- Most hospitalizations today are either vaccinated people with COVID or recently vaccinated with adverse events.
- Vaccination during a pandemic causes forced mutation of the virus which causes the vaccinated to re-infect without protection. Using boosters or continuing vaccination accelerates the mutation process and only those with natural immunity escape.