If you’ve ever had an itchy throat after eating pineapple, or broken out in a rash after munching on a handful of peanuts, you’ve likely experienced firsthand what it feels like to have an allergic reaction to food. Around 15 million Americans are afflicted by food allergies, making them fairly commonplace in the United States (1). But what about food sensitivities? Research is showing that food sensitivity is on the rise, affecting more people than previously believed (1). Additionally, they could be related to a number of conditions and chronic diseases such as migraine headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, dementia, and even obesity (2, 3, 4). Identifying and eliminating certain foods that cause inflammation in one’s diet can lead to a reduction in negative symptoms for certain conditions, favoring evidence that suggests the benefits of food sensitivity testing (2, 3, 4, 6).
I think everyone thinks about this in the extreme – food allergies – something major that incapacitates you like Celiac’s disease for wheat or anaphylactic shock liking eating bad clams. But things like wheat sensitivity symptoms are often very mild and we get used to them and even dismiss them because we believe what’s happening is only aging.
Here are some self-tests you can use to get some data to operate on.