Seems to me that an important part of promoting health over 70 is going to be a better understanding of our food sources and how we’re being duped by the food industry.
The larger players in our food industry have already picked up on that trend towards organic and natural foods and they’re relying on the idea that they can dupe us by using clever labeling practices to make sure think we’re getting what we want while we’re not.
As an example, we all think we know what USDA Organic means but a lack of strong regulation and rules with lots of loop holes might surprise you as to the difference in what you think you’re getting and what’s really on your plate at higher costs.
Here is a video worth watching about the differences in four different food industries. It’s called “Unbroken Ground” – I recommend that the 25 minutes watching will be well-spent.
I’ll be focusing a number of my articles in future on our food supply and the labelling tricks that are being utilized to fool us into thinking we’re getting what we want.