Robyn O’Brien has been called the “Erin Brockovich of the Food Industry” – her story began when her daughter had a completely unexpected allergic reaction at breakfast which later turned out to be related to food.
Robyn TED Talk is motivating, inspiring, and full of facts that are more than compelling. I want you to take the 18 minutes it takes to watch it below. But first let me recap some of the facts she will share with you.
Cancel is the leading cause of death for children under 15.
1 in 5 children have a food allergy.
1 of 3 children will be insulin dependent by adulthood.
1 of 10 children have asthma.
1 of 45 children has Autism.
1 of 3 children have food allergies, autism, or ADHD.
The CDC says hospitalizations due to food allergies have increase 275% in the past 10 years.
There are approximately 950 million acres of farmland in America. 1% is used for organic farming. The demand for organic farming products has reached 5% and is growing rapidly. We are importing organic products because we cannot raise enough. The agricultural and chemical companies say that we cannot grow enough food to feed America. Meanwhile farmers say that we throw away over 27% of our crops each year as excess. The GMA, FDA, and EPA are run by ex-chemical company executives or related parties.
There is no scientific consensus on the safety of GMOs or Roundup because there is no significant research that was not paid for by the industry itself.