A Letter from Your Grandchildren



Dear Grand Dad or Mom:

I wanted to give you this letter while you still have a chance of reading and understanding it.

I don’t appreciate what you did to us – your grandchildren.

First, you completely ignored everyone who told you to stop eating junk food and toxic food, and kept eating high carbohydrate foods with flour and sugar, and lots of bad chemicals until your brain started to malfunction and then you couldn’t make good decisions anymore and you still ignored all of the research and medical advice saying you were too old to change.

Second, you completely ignored your responsibility to be healthy and happy for your children and grandchildren so we wouldn’t have to take care of you as you got older. Do you really think we like having you in a bed in our house with breathing machines and IVs so that our parents have to take care of you day and night just to keep you alive? And all of this because you were too stubborn to just listen to what everyone was telling you?

Third, you were too old and too tired even at 50 years old to play with us and take us places. What do you think your job is anyway?

We just don’t see how you could possibly do this. Everyone even in your time knew that eating refined foods of any kind was bad for you. You ate sugar and the glucose gave you brain fog and then Alzheimers. You ate flour and the carbs deteriorated your gut and made your immune system malfunction so that you always had the flu or a cold, or some kind of illness. What, did you think these things were random or just came with getting older? And then finally you ate until you had type 2 diabetes and then instead of stopping, you took insulin – how silly can you get?

Now you’re so obese that you can hardly move and still you’re not listening to anyone. Obesity is a disease caused by leptin and insulin resistance and that’s caused by eating all the packaged foods and junk you eat. Why didn’t you care enough to stop eating all that junk so you could be well and spend time with us?

Don’t you like us?

Look, Grandpa, you’re only 50 and we know you think it’s over, but it’s not. Get your head out of your ##### and wakeup and smell the coffee.

Read this blog.


The Ketonic Diet


If you suffer from heart disease, obesity, diabetes, cancer, or any of the other chronic non-contagious diseases including metabolic syndrome which sort of encompasses them all, you should study and learn more about the ketonic diet. It’s not just a weight loss diet but it can have that side effect. It’s actually a get healthy diet.

What’s Ketonic?

It turns out the body wasn’t made to burn glucose – it’s the sugar we convert when we eat carbs like sugar, fructose from fruit, starches, and grains. Our body was actually made to burn ketones – a special molecule created in the liver from eating healthy fats.

What’s Different About a Ketonic Diet?


A ketonic diet requires less carbs and more healthy fat. Sources like avocado, coconut, olives and olive oil are examples of healthy fat but there are many other sources.

Carbs cause inflammation and inflammation affects all of the systems in the body creating a multitude of slowly progressing illnesses depending on the organ affected first.

Carbs were never a natural part of the human diet until the last hundred years where refined and packaged foods became more prevalent.

Tracking Your Carbs is Essential

You can use strips to test your urine for ketosis and you can easily track you foods for net carbs using the online. Cronometer.

You place yourself in nutritional ketosis by focusing your eating on reducing carbs and taking yourself on packaged foods, and flour, and sugar is a good start.


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Consciousness and Health


Sometimes when you’re ill and suffering, it’s hard to step way back and look at the bigger picture, but research shows that those who do tend to heal themselves outside the normal medical models. This alone demonstrates a relationship between consciousness and health.

What is Consciousness?

The simplest of definitions is that it’s a state of being awake and aware of our surroundings. Taken a little deeper, it’s the awareness and perception of something. For example, when we’re AWARE of a pain, then we feel it, but when for some reason we’re not aware of a pain, then we don’t feel it. Our awareness and perception of a thing makes it real.

Sometimes we just know something is going to happen – intuition, insight, hunch or whatever the source, when you’re aware or perceive something is going to happen it seems to have a much higher probability of happening in fact.

I’ve noticed that when I have something painful, if I focus on the pain it gets worse and if I focus on something else, it gets better.

I’ve had tinnitus for years and read extensively from people who have suffered and even some who’ve committed suicide to end their suffering. But early on a very wise tinnitus sufferer shared with me that he had learned to control his tinnitus by placing his mental focus – his consciousness – elsewhere. It took me a while but today I don’t hear the ringing unless I think about it. Otherwise it is absolutely absent from my day to day activities.

Awareness and perception are a tool at our command that gives us great power if we direct it and provides great suffering if we do not.

Affects of Consciousness

Over 7 years ago, Dr. Masuro Emoto demonstrated the effect of consciousness on water. The crystal at the opening of this article demonstrates the impact of the thought of gratefulness and the phrase “Thank you” on water.

As our bodies are 98% water, it seems to be a scientific fact that our thoughts, emotions, and consciousness affect our entire body.

Thoughts are often fleeting and not sustained. Emotions can last a little longer but are rarely experienced day in and day out. But consciousness is the background of thinking and emotions that is with us silently and continuously.

“Positive Thinking” generally doesn’t pass the test because it is shallow and superficial – it is something we do to counteract something we feel is influencing our lives – something we are conscious of and suffer from it’s ill effects. So generally our underlying consciousness of the problem is much more powerful and long lasting as compared to a short burst of positive thinking.

Dr. Emotos scientific experiments really leave absolutely not doubt that our general consciousness deeply impacts our body and its chemistry. It is the closest explanation for self-fulfilling prophecy that has ever been presented by the scientific community.

And science has already taken us further in helping us to understand that our bodies do not end at our skin. We are in fact energy beings and we are a part of a measurable field that connects us to a much greater field that what we can physically observe that ends at our skin.

Examples of Consciousness


Fear – Einstein once said he thought the most important question was “Is it safe?” – and perhaps you would agree because if the answer is “yes” then you’ll go about your life trusting and opening yourself to experiences and risks that you might not have experienced had your answer been “no.” A “no” answer to the question means that you’re live your life with a background of fear and distrust – you’ll establish defenses against perceived threats and put more energy and effort in to ensuring the safety of yourself and family. (a person who answer this question “no” would now be saying, “And what’s wrong with that?)


Optimism – a truly optimistic person seeing obstacles and setbacks as opportunities. They see the positive in everything and feel grateful for challenges to exercise their coping skills. Their optimism isn’t just an occasional event, but rather a state of mind and the background against which all things are judged.

18pwa1wo2e8lhjpgOld and Sick – I’m just old and sick and that’s what happens when you get older – nothing I can do about that – I’m helpless – I’ve eaten poorly all my life and it’s too late to start now. I’m just going to have to hobble around until I die because that’s what my parents and friends have all done. The body wears out. I can feel it.

cc997dad16d64e14b391ab015dbec5c2Gratefulness – a grateful person lives their life saying “thank you.” They don’t take things for granted or feel entitled. Many grateful people attribute their good fortune to God and don’t complain when things are tough.


Absence of Abundance – there was a time when we felt like everything was ours and anything we wanted was provided. The older we got, the less we felt that way. As we became adults, most of us were more conscious of what we wanted and didn’t have. We began to relate to the world in terms of what we needed and didn’t have. Without really realizing it, our consciousness became about lack and that became the background against which we lived our lives – striving to get what we didn’t have but needed. There are certain cultures that try to shield their people from the images and exposure to all the things that other cultures have. The purpose is clearly to allow the people to live their lives inside a consciousness not built around a lack of abundance.


Limitations – again we were born with an unlimited consciousness and then proceeded a 10-20 year period in which we learned about our limitations. We became believers in limitation although we hear stories almost weekly of people in all walks of life who refused to believe in limits or limitations. Those who have walked on fire know how tenuous is the definition of limitation. It definitely exists within our minds but not our energy bodies. To say that we didn’t live our lives inside a constant awareness or consciousness of our limitations would be foolish. We see this in almost every endeavor we make. Great leaders challenge us by making unreasonable demands. And sometimes our performance surprises even us.

Consciousness as Context

A context is the bottle in which we hold the water. Context is a point of view that organizes everything else.

So if we live in a consciousness of fear, we organize everything else we see based on that perception and we see things consistent with it and we don’t see things that are inconsistent.

The Heisenberg Principle, a very important discovery from Quantum Physics tells us that we basically see what we look for. When we look for particles to behave like particles, they do. When we look for them to behave like waves or energy, they do. This gives way to a theory of the universe sometimes called “uncertainty” or the idea that the observer (us) has a bearing on what shows up not only at a sub-atomic level and at the level of the world we know and function within.

So in the world of quantum physics, the world performs within a context that we create and we create that context from a variety of interactions of our consciousness of things being a certain way.

Energy Beings

One of the greatest discoveries of the last few decades, is the revelation that what we consider to be empty space – because we can’t see anything in that space – is actually filled with an enormous energy field.

Our bodies are one type of energy – water – that is very pliable – it has proven to be heavily at the whim of our consciousness – our state of mind – and we generally think about our body as ending at our skin, however, although that might be true as a physical reality of what we perceive through our eyes, it’s definitely not true based on what we measure.

We have this growing body of phenomena – things we can’t explain that don’t seem to follow the physical laws – and can be explained if we integrate the energy field and uncertainty principle into our thinking. We mostly can’t even see things that occur and are outside our understanding of how our world works and the limitations of our body and reality.

If I wanted to limit and hold bound a being with unlimited capability and energy, I would simply convince them that they were limited and let them create their own cage in which to live.

Consciousness Creates

Holding a view of any of the examples of consciousness continuously will make that condition occur in your life. Holding a consciousness of illness and aging will create that context and attract things to create and expand your aging and illness.

The secret is to realize that you can either continue to create the consciousness that is making you ill, or choose a different picture and create that. It takes a tremendous amount of focus and courage to create an imagine and feeling that the current facts do not support. The fear of disappointment is a strong motivator and a lack of belief in how things actual work in the energy universe is a hard thing to overcome.

That’s why a lot of people call it faith. It’s creating a reality that doesn’t seem to exist and has no support based on the current facts.

Why should I condition by whole body – my 98% water body that responds to every thought, every emotion, good or bad, to something that doesn’t currently appear real? What if I just waste my time and in the end disappoint myself?

Isn’t that the best prison you could ever imagine or build for the ultimate energy being?

But people who focus on a strong image of health get healthier. And those that focus on a strong image of abundance get more abundant.

The reason it’s so uncommon is because it’s uncommon. That is, it’s uncommon for people to have the courage to believe the opposite of what their schools, their jobs, and their parents and friends have taught them all their lives. It appears to be a complete departure from the truth.

“if you keep saying something long enough it becomes the truth. And the truth sounds like a lie.” – Werner Eehard

But why can’t we turn that around? Keep saying the truth long enough  until it becomes the truth and what we consider to be the truth today becomes the lie?


Consciousness and Chronic Illness

We have a growing worldwide epidemic of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, auto-immune disease, Alzheimers, dementia, and neurological disorders like MS, Fibromyalgia, and more. We also have thousands of doctors world wide who are curing these illnesses. What keeps us from seeing what’s already possible for illness we consider to be aging?

What is the truth that sounds like a lie?


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Why Can’t We Change?


We have a big house. My mother-in-law lives with us. She cooks a lot and does the shopping.

I send her articles on healthily foods and healthy eating – sometimes I print them out because I suspect she’s deleting my emails.

Over time she has developed a number of symptoms – shoulder and back pains, a chronic cough, congestion and difficulty swallowing, snoring, and in general a whole laundry list that I would just lump under “inflammation.” So I give her articles that present research showing the most likely causes related to food.

But she basically ignores most of it and only changes what she buys or cooks under extreme pressure – when I convince my wife that it’s in her mother’s best interest.

But her basic mantra is –  “I know these things might be causing my problems but I’m too old to change and I like my <fill in the blank> and I’m not going to change.”

The Psychology of Change

On way that people have analyzed and resisted change is the “Force Field Analysis” – created to Kurt Lewin, it’s a thought process that we often use unconsciously without even writing it down.

The Force Field Analysis refers to forces in favor of change or that resist or are against change.

Here’s an example:


Now in this example the forces in favor of change may be perceived as “nice to have” and like an aspiration – “I aspire to be thinner and healthier” – but they may not drive a mindset of change because all of the things on the right seem more ingrained in who I am – my lifestyle that I am comfortable with and don’t want to change.

But then the picture changes…


And suddenly a new factor in favor of change surfaces. Why did I have to wait for that to show up? Didn’t I know that was coming?

Some people aren’t willing to make lifestyle changes even faced with this new factor.

Why are Lifestyle Changes So Hard?

Why don’t we weigh things that could happen to us in the future more heavily? Let look at this picture…


Why doesn’t this picture motivate us to change? Why would we consciously chose to experience all of these things on the left when it would only take a few lifestyle changes to prevent it?

The answer may be very simple. When we look at the facts, we only see the factors on the right and we don’t see the factors on the left.

And as we get older, a poor diet, dehydration from not drinking enough water, high carbohydrates, and low fat diets all contribute to our “brain fog” as we wind our way closer to actual dementia and Alzheimers because of course close to 1 in 3 people nowadays will find themselves in that arena very soon. So we’re not thinking clearly about the factors on the left. And anyway they seem to big to solve.

What are Lifestyle Changes and Why Call Them That?

Lifestyle changes can encompass…

  • changes in what you eat
  • changes in how much you eat
  • changes in how much exercise you get
  • changes in daily activities

So are these “lifestyle” changes? Yes, they are. They’re not just a new diet, but they’re a way of consciously resetting and rethinking everything you do – taking massive action for a very good reason.

For instance, regarding what you eat, you would change almost everything you currently consider to be enjoyable and good. Consider these changes…

  • Start to look carefully at your food sources. Eliminate all packaged foods from you diet and adopt only whole foods – foods with one ingredient like beef, chicken, fish, squash, broccoli, etc.
  • Investigate your foods sources – don’t assume that because beef costs a lot it’s a good source. Beef raised in factory farms is low in nutrients, high in hormones, pesticides, and GMOs, and aside from all that, is raised in a manner that is not humane and you shouldn’t support.
  • Investigate small local farmers and farmer’s markets. There you can get more information about how food is grown and livestock are raised. Take a sincere interest in finding food sources that are less expensive and better for you.
  • Boycott your supermarket until they get the message and get you what you want – many of them are.
  • Educate yourself on the best beef, fish, and fowl. If you begin to understand pastured and organic methods, you’ll be able to eat less and get double the nutrients.
  • Investigate the sources of toxins in your diet and your surroundings. Pay attention to what they’re spraying in the field next to your house. Ask questions and research the answers.
  • Seriously consider eliminating grains – of any kind – and dairy from your diet. The grains are just not something that most human beings can eat no matter how good the quality and diary is an industry that doesn’t have to report how much hormones, pesticides, antibiotics, or toxins their products contains. If you can control the production of your dairy products and you know you’re not allergic to it, then try it as an experiment for a week and then go without for a week. Stop believing everything you read and stop being influenced by slogans – “Milk does every body good.” The only body that milk does good is that of a baby cow.
  • Increase the amount of good fat in your diet – olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, avocado oil, and completely eliminate any kind of vegetable oil – corn, safflower, cottonseed, etc. Our focus on not consuming fat is one of the biggest contributors to brain fog and dementia – eating fat does not make you fat – your body needs fat, it converts it to ketones, and ketones are what you brain was designed to run on – not sugar.
  • Stop eating sugar – stop drinking it in sodas, stop eating it in fruit, and fruit juices, stop converting it in starches like potatoes and rice. A slice of bread will turn to sugar in your gut faster than a teaspoon of sugar. Sugar is like salty water for ships – it will rust your body faster than anything else you can eat and you’ll feel it in your joints, your knees and fingers, and hips, and you’ll think you’re getting old but you’re not, you’re eating the wrong stuff and it’s killing you.

The Truth

Your body was made to last forever. It has cells that regenerate themselves daily, it has an immune system that can heal anything you encounter. With proper care it can even create new brain cells and replace old ones without memory loss. It even has the ability to repair arteries and open them up for proper blood flow.

We have been surrounded by a plant that grows everything that body needs to function optimally for hundreds or even thousands of years.

Everything that has happened to us in the past several hundreds years has led to a shorter lifespan, more illness among adults and children, and a greatly reduced quality of life.

Our medical system has been designed by the drug companies to diagnose and prescribe drugs. When we read about a drug it’s a “lifesaving miracle drug” – why is it we don’t call broccoli a lifesaving miracle food? Because when something is true you don’t have to add the adjectives or shout it out louder.The truth is the truth and needs no explanation or amplification.

And the truth is, you have the power to make simple lifestyle choices that would allow you to do what you were made for – without being a burden to your family and friends, without living in pain for the next 30 years, without losing control of your life to caretakers and doctors.

Believing the Truth

Werner Erhard said, “The truth is the truth; believed it is a lie.”

In the movie, “The Matrix”, Morpheus brought Neo to see the Oracle and she told him he wasn’t the one even though we became aware later that he was. The Oracle wisely knew that a truth believed wouldn’t work but Neo had to learn and experience the truth and become aware on his own that he was the one.

I’m not asking you to believe anything I’m saying. But I am asking you to try what I’m saying and find out the truth for yourself. Not become a believer, but KNOW whether this is the truth or not.

That’s how we learn everything else.

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Food Activism – Where are you on the scale?



People generally relate to the issue of bad food sources in a number of different ways or referred to here as levels. Most people would not call themselves Food Activists but would react to information at one of the following levels.

Levels of Food Activism

Absentee – you ignore the information and eat what you’ve always eaten in which case you suffer from early stage obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, dementia, and a whole list of other unnatural illnesses.

Personal – you review information about food sources and take action to buy foods that you feel have a better impact on your personal health or that of your family.

Family and Friends – you review information and take action to inform friends and family members. You continuously inform others of risks associated with certain foods and food sources.

Petition – you sign petitions and try to help influence legislation.

Boycott – you boycott foods, retailers, and producers appropriate to help create demand for the best choices and discourage bad choices.

Funding – you donate to organizations that appear to be on the forefront of food activism and have a track record of filing lawsuits against governmental agencies and large industry violators.


Where do you fall on this scale and why? Let’s here from our readers about your thinking on food activism.


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Egg Labelling – Understanding Eggs


Looking at our food sources and labelling is a start on becoming smarter buyers. If you’ve been following my posts you know that eggs are an important part of our diet for health-over-70.

Pasture-Raised Eggs

The difference in eggs can be quite dramatic based on the sources you select.

  • 1/3 less cholesterol
  • 1/4 less saturated fat
  • 2/3 more vitamin A
  • 2 times more omega-3 fatty acids
  • 3 times more vitamin E
  • 7 times more beta carotene


The key to gaining the above benefits and avoiding all the toxins and additives including GMOs is to understand what the labelling means because these are definitely used to mislead you into thinking your getting what you want – something that doesn’t compromise on your health. In order to produce healthy eggs, chickens was be exposed to the outdoors and sunlight for close to 8 hours a day, be able to scratch on the ground, eat seeds, worms, and grubs, take dust baths and spread their wings – in other words, do all of the things that are normal and natural for hens. If you see a light yellow yolk then chances are that regardless of the label you don’t have that.

  • “Cage-Free”: Hens are uncaged inside barns, but they generally do not have access to the outdoors. They can engage in many of their natural behaviors such as walking, nesting and spreading their wings. Beak cutting is permitted. There is no third-party auditing.
  • “Certified Organic”: Hens are uncaged inside barns, and are required to have outdoor access. However, the amount (space-wise), duration, and quality of outdoor access is not defined. Hens are fed an organic, all-vegetarian diet free of antibiotics and pesticides. Beak cutting and forced molting through starvation are permitted. Compliance is verified through third-party auditing.
  • “Free-Range” or “Free-Roaming”: The USDA has defined the terms of “free-range” for some poultry products, but there are no standards regarding “free-range” egg production. Free-range hens are typically uncaged inside barns and have some outdoor access. Again, the amount, duration or quality of outdoor access is not defined. Since they are not caged, they can engage in many natural behaviors such as nesting. This is very important: there are no restrictions regarding what the birds can be fed, and there is no third-party auditing. Beak cutting and forced molting through starvation are permitted. (Kind of sounds like anything goes, huh?)
  • “Certified Humane” (a program of Humane Farm Animal Care): Hens are not caged, but may be kept indoors at all times. They must be able to perform natural behaviors such as nesting, perching, and dust bathing. There are requirements for stock density (the number of hens within a given area), and number of perches and nesting boxes available for the hens. Forced molting through starvation is prohibited, but beak cutting is allowed. Compliance is verified through third-party auditing.
  • “Animal Welfare Approved” (a program of the Animal Welfare Institute): The birds are cage-free and continuous outdoor perching access is required. They must be able to perform natural behaviors such as nesting, perching and dust bathing. There are requirements for stocking density, perching, space and nesting boxes. Birds must be allowed to molt naturally and beak cutting is prohibited. These are the highest animal welfare standards of any third-party auditing program.
  • “American Humane Certified” (a program of the American Humane Association): Hens may be caged or cage-free. Hens that are confined in these so-called “furnished cages” have about the space of a legal-sized sheet of paper (“humane certified,” eh?). These cages are detrimental to animal welfare, and they are opposed by nearly every major US and EU animal welfare group. Forced molting through starvation is prohibited, but beak cutting is allowed. Compliance is verified through third-party auditing.
  • “Food Alliance Certified” (a program of the Food Alliance): The birds are cage-free and access to outdoors or natural daylight is required. They must be able to perform natural behaviors such as nesting, perching and dust bathing. There are specific requirements for stocking density, perching, space and nesting boxes. Starvation-based molting is prohibited. Beak cutting is allowed. Compliance is verified through third-party auditing. Food Alliance Certified is a program of the Food Alliance.
  • “United Egg Producers Certified” (a program of the United Egg Producers): The overwhelming majority of the U.S. egg industry complies with this voluntary program, which permits routine cruel and inhumane factory farm practices. Hens laying these eggs have 67 square inches of cage space per bird, less area than a sheet of paper. The hens are confined in restrictive, barren battery cages and cannot perform many of their natural behaviors, including perching, nesting, foraging or even spreading their wings. Compliance is verified through third-party auditing. Forced molting through starvation is prohibited, but beak cutting is allowed. This is a program of the United Egg Producers.
  • “Vegetarian-Fed”: These birds’ feed does not contain animal byproducts, but this label does not have significant relevance to the animals’ living conditions.
  • “Natural”: This term has no relevance to animal welfare. It simply means that nothing was added to the egg, such as flavorings, brines or coloring.
  • “Omega-3 Enriched”: Hens are fed a diet enriched with omega-3s. However, they are typically poor-quality sources of omega-3 fats that are already oxidized. Interestingly, omega-3 eggs have been shown to be far more perishable than non-omega-3 eggs. This term has no relevance to animal welfare.
  • “No added hormones”: This term is really just a marketing tactic as all farmers are legally prohibited from giving hormones to chickens. If present on a label, this term must be followed by a statement that says “Federal regulations prohibit the use of hormones” (or something along those lines).

Now that you see the problems with labelling, you can probably guess that any certification or compliance reviews are not reliable as well. Even the USDA lays off certification and inspection to third parties.

Bottom Line

You #1 best source for eggs is a local farmer that you can visit and review their practices. If you can see the hens grazing across open fields of green, having access to fresh water, and not being feed GMO grains, then you stand a better chance of getting what you want even if you have to drive 50 miles, than taking a chance with product from a retailer who really doesn’t care what the label means.

Your next best approach is to find a local farmer’s market and speak to the owners about how they raise their hens. Many local farmers are too small to afford the USDA Organic certification, however, if you review their practices yourself often you’ll find that they adhere to every requirement and more.

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The Future of Food – “Unbroken Ground”


Seems to me that an important part of promoting health over 70 is going to be a better understanding of our food sources and how we’re being duped by the food industry.

The larger players in our food industry have already picked up on that trend towards organic and natural foods and they’re relying on the idea that they can dupe us by using clever labeling practices to make sure think we’re getting what we want while we’re not.

As an example, we all think we know what USDA Organic means but a lack of strong regulation and rules with lots of loop holes might surprise you as to the difference in what you think you’re getting and what’s really on your plate at higher costs.

Here is a video worth watching about the differences in four different food industries. It’s called “Unbroken Ground” – I recommend that the 25 minutes watching will be well-spent.

I’ll be focusing a number of my articles in future on our food supply and the labelling tricks that are being utilized to fool us into thinking we’re getting what we want.


Health Benefits of Eating Broccoli


Eating broccoli or broccoli sprouts can have tremendous health benefits and also help reduce your risk for cancer.

Research shows this cruciferous veggie (in the same family as Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and more) may reduce your risk for many common diseases, including but not limited to:

  • Arthritis
  • Cancer – Including Fatty Liver and Liver Cancer
  • High blood pressure and heart disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Diabetes

Broccoli Ingredients

• Fiber, which helps nourish your gut microbiome and strengthen your immune function.

• Sulforaphane, a naturally occurring organic sulfur compound shown to have potent anti-cancer activity.

Studies have shown sulforaphane causes apoptosis (programmed cell death) in colon, prostate, breast and tobacco-induced lung cancer cells. Three servings of broccoli per week may reduce your risk of prostate cancer by more than 60 percent.

Sulforaphane encourages production of enzymes that protect your blood vessels, and reduces the number of molecules that cause cell damage — known as reactive oxygen species (ROS) — by as much as 73 percent.

Sulforaphane is both an immune stimulant and an anti-inflammatory.

Sulforaphane also helps raise testosterone levels, inhibits the retention of body fat, helps detox carcinogens, blocks certain enzymes linked to joint destruction and helps protect your muscles against exercise-induced damage.

Please note that frozen broccoli has diminished ability to produce sulforaphane as the enzyme myrosinase, which converts glucoraphanin to sulforaphane, is quickly destroyed during the blanching process.

• Glucoraphanin, a glucosinolate precursor of sulforaphane that also influences the process of carcinogenesis and mutagenesis. Compared to mature broccoli, broccoli sprouts can contain up to 20 times more glucoraphanin.

• Phenolic compounds, including flavonoids and phenolic acids, which have a potent ability to eliminate damaging free radicals and quell inflammation, resulting in a lower risk for diseases such as asthma, type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

One of the ways phenolic compounds slow the encroachment of disease is by defending against infection, most dramatically by zapping ROS linked to atherosclerosis and neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

• Diindolylmethane (DIM). Your body produces DIM when it breaks down cruciferous vegetables. Like many other broccoli compounds, DIM has shown multiple potential benefits, including boosting your immune system and helping to prevent or treat cancer.

Lightly Steam Broccoli

To get the ultimate benefit from Broccoli, follow these tips:

When you eat raw mature broccoli, you only get about 12 percent of the total sulforaphane content theoretically available based on the parent compound. You can increase this amount and really maximize the cancer-fighting power of broccoli by preparing it properly.

Steaming your broccoli for three to four minutes is ideal. Do not go past five minutes.

Steaming your broccoli spears for three to four minutes will optimize the sulforaphane content by eliminating epithiospecifier protein — a heat-sensitive sulfur-grabbing protein that inactivates sulforaphane — while still retaining the enzyme myrosinase, which converts glucoraphanin to sulforaphane. Without it, you cannot get any sulforaphane.

Boiling or microwaving your broccoli is NOT recommended, as it will destroy a majority of the myrosinase. If you want to boil your broccoli, blanch it in boiling water for no more than 20 to 30 seconds, then immerse it in cold water to stop the cooking process.

Maximize Sulforaphane Content

Research shows that sulforaphane content can be further optimized by adding a myrosinase-containing food to it.

Foods containing this important enzyme include:

  • Mustard seed
  • Daikon radishes
  • Wasabi
  • Arugula
  • Cole slaw


Try to get 2-3 helpings of this important food everyday. It has plenty of fiber so will help you feel full and you can change up the flavor by steaming it with the various whole foods above.
